Author: Axm
Map features:
- 1 farm
- Interesting terrain
- cows
- Mod chaff
- Mod manure
- And many more
Map of smaller equipment.
Download-Link:<- Version for better computers.<- Version for weaker computers. <- Fashion Verbesserung des Spiels (nicht erforderlich)
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06 Jun 15:06Version 1.0
checksum: | 0a84a71e999ea39c82fbdbf75838c254 |
Version: | 1.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Axm |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | MICROMAP |
description in shop: | MICROMAP |
1 Comments for MicroMap
I don't want to be too critical of the map since it is what it's supposed to be, a small map with a few very small fields, and a few small buildings that comprise a farm.
There's only cows for animals, but they're nowhere to be seen when you buy them.
So all in all this is a very minimal demanding map for any PC spec out there.
So why have 2 different versions for 'faster' and 'slower' PCs? I sure couldn't tell the difference, but maybe someone could point it out if they did? I'd be curious.