model eicher
- Old saw (ideal place to somewhere in the corner of a court, or in the back of a barn)
- Light wooden bridge, and once again fresh wood rotted
- Carport / Shelter
- Small corrugated iron garage
Here one more time a few objects that I found while cleaning up. Also too bad for the trash
as already done, perhaps, one or the other do something with it. Are somewhat older
and would therefore no longer on the cutting edge of Modbautechnik, but since they are already finished
It would be a shame if they end up just like that in the trash.
So I put it to you this way are available.
You can do with the objects that you want, convert to obstruct or maps .. The only thing I do not what
want is that their objects unchanged reformatted for download is.
If the objects you can write like me you installed somewhere in the credits to the map / mod to have to
her in this case but not :)
The objects are error-free in the LS13 used, no UV Errors. But since no shaders are installed you can install it just as well in the LS11. The objects must be installed with the Giants in a map editor.
Note: The buildings are possibly not scale correctly. Rather, you must match the scale of your map and just as there are like scale.
05 Feb 13:52Version 1.0
0 Comments for Various Mapobjekte