Map by Bluebaby210

V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Welcome to Bühren!


The map is based on no real landscape, the village has only one real-world



The following mods are needed ... most will already have all of them anyway!





and the right font for shovel loaders:

All links directly from ls planet!


Mod for dung and manure sale enclosed!

You do not sell a trailer / barrel to manure and slurry can be!

Map_by_Bluebaby210_ENTPACKEN.rar unpack once, then first READ IMPORTANT ... the two

Map_by_Bluebaby210 liquidManure_manure and zips in the mods folder! Have you been the mist

zip and manure in the mods folder, then use the included in the mods folder, and your old


Patch 2.2 is a prerequisite



Then you can begin already!



You have Deutz StartVehiclesPDF, the map is large (rectangular) fields, all fields are harvested bereit.Raiffeisen 7-12.30 u 13-22) and Billinger (8-12 u 14-20) with different opening times! You have a big yard, but beware of large machines, then

you have to use the site entrance, the main gate is not big enough! At Raiffeisen, it is also the case, you big tractor and trailer, you have to go once aussenrum, with small to medium-sized machine can run it through the tunnel!

There are points of sale as the port, the pub, meistros Grass and Grain Ltd, the Billinger and Raiffeisen! The outlets are all displayed in the PDA (the PDA survey outlets with switch button 9)! Manure and manure can be sold at the port

be! Fodder for your cows at the port you can buy the Billinger (both established in the silo) and Raiffeisen (food sales) and Gerteide Ag (in back)! The first load of food has yet ordered your grandpa and she is ready! The traffic is matched, pedestrians as well! Extensive road network and functioning roundabout! Great village with different patches on the houses! You have also a garden with a pond, a farmer need relaxation! Behind your house, you can directly order the machines! The dealer is located on the outskirts of the village and has a large space for many machines (for the test have been standing up to 22maschinen)! You could not fall into the water, the edge card is provided with Fall Protection?

The log is error free!

Support at-www.ls2011mods.kostenloses because I can be reached also the best!


Pictures say more than 1000 words! Gallery:


've Built a thank you to all the objects I! see credits




And now have fun! Bluebaby210


Map may not be offered anywhere for download, but only using the originals

Download links and the original text!



Creator: Bluebaby210


DeutzHändler und Hofmauer: CLAASVEET81
Zeitgesteuertes schiebetor: Desperados93
Strohkraftwerk: Modder: Nauer Christian StrohTrigger gothaner
Ballenschredder: sprengi
Aral Tanke: Jesse James
Lidl Markt: Desch
meistros GrassAG, Getreide AG, Raiffeisen Nord: meistro
Baustellenset: All for LS
Landstrassen: Ohne credits bei modhoster, einsteller erik1
Maschinenhalle mit 2durchfahrten: KungFujas
Durchfahrhalle: laut modhoster: Urmodder nicht bekannt - Bitte Melden Edit und Konv. : Seber
(jetzt getreide abladen und ballenverkauf): By Bluebaby210
Billinger Landhandel: Urmodder : Degget
LS11 MP inGame : Ka88 /
Edit : Ka88 und xl-turbo /
Testobjektepack: Börndi
Eingagnstor grün: Ka88
Verkehrsschilder: Ohne credits bei modhoster, einsteller Cherez
Mistförderband: Model, Texture: scholl
For the manure and liquidManurepipe: Axel_of_Sweden
Pumpen für Gülleverkauf: acert
Photovoltaik: Idee: Manethefarmer
Modelle: Manethefarmer, Nauer Christian
Konvert: Nauer Christian
BGA Baukasten: Fatian
BGA Silos und Silostar: Heady
Windkraft mit trigger: Original: Giants
Umbau: manuuuu
Windrad ohne trigger: Orgianal.Gigants
Umbau auf ls 11: Firefley Panzer000
Untergrund aussichtsplattform: BigM
Tunnel: Wohlstandskind
Unterschiedliche Layer eingebaut: Bluebaby210
Layerbilder: Bluebaby210
Bogenbrücke: VWFahrer80

  • 09 Jul 20:18
    Version 1


checksum: dcf34d2b0a41d76febda27d99c035d2e
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bluebaby210
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Map_by_Bluebaby210
description in shop: Willkommen in Buehren! Eine komplett neu aufgebaute Map erwartet euch! Viele Felder,Strassen und einem tollen Dorf. Viel Spass
checksum: 966e929015a2289f0d9f524185d416ca
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Bluebaby210
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Map_by_Bluebaby210
description in shop: Willkommen in Buehren! Eine komplett neu aufgebaute Map erwartet euch! Viele Felder,Strassen und einem tollen Dorf. Viel Spass

09.07 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.66 / 29 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1
Farming Simulator 2011
160 MB 4339
09. 07 2011 4,339

1 Comments for Map by Bluebaby210

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  1. fabianb13 09. 07 2011

    die map ist dier gelungen echt cool

    1 replies
