X-treme MAN truck and trailer Bitrem multi-fruit

V 1.0beta mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Fruittypes: wheat barley rape maize chaff erbse grass dung sunflower sugarbeet potato carrot blumkohl gelbbo gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat weisskohl wirsingkohl beachSand mohn radish fertilizer sand rye oat cotton yellowbean greenbean erbsen betterave karotte erbse1 karotte1 cotton


Ladekapazität : 200 000 l


Der mod darf  auf anderen Seiten veröffentlicht werden so lange der ORIGINAL LINK verwendet wird!


Es dürfen keine Teile aus diesem mod unter anderem Link veröffentlicht werden !!


The mod may be published on other sites as long as the ORIGINAL LINK will be used!


There may be no parts of this mod publicated !


Le mod peut être publié sur d'autres sites aussi longtemps que le lien original sera utilisé!


Il peut y avoir aucune pièce de ce mod publicated!


O mod pode ser publicado em outros sites, desde que o link original será usado!


Pode não haver partes deste mod publicated!


Mod moga byc publikowane na innych stronach tak dlugo, jak oryginalny link bedzie uzywany!


  • 11 Mar 16:24
    Version 1.0beta

  • 174504
    by jerrico
    ago about 13 years
  • 174502
    by jerrico
    ago about 13 years
  • 174498
    by jerrico
    ago about 13 years
  • 174495
    by jerrico
    ago about 13 years


checksum: cf1c2c07cd2704b03385276d14ccf662
Version: 1.0beta
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Jerrico
price in shop: 25000 LS
name in shop: Bitrem NOMA Dianteiro
description in shop: Bitrem multifruit Sattel
by Jerrico
checksum: cf1c2c07cd2704b03385276d14ccf662
Version: 1.0beta
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Jerrico
price in shop: 153700 LS
name in shop: MAN Spezial
description in shop: MAN Prototyp
edit and fix
By Jerrico

11.03 2012
Modhoster user rating
2.64 / 14 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0beta
Farming Simulator 2011
28 MB 8042
11. 03 2012 8,042

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