Edit 21.09.2013:
LS11 Support ModCommander 1.4:
I've got something that others could possibly use.
Why have I developed this tool
I've been playing for some time in an agricultural company in multiplayer. Here we have some like all other mods. However, in single player I use other, partially incompatible mods. Since I run games and it has always been very fiddly when all the mods were in a directory, because I always had durchegehn ingame then the whole list to select the right or the mods manually back and forth so I had to push ingame then click "Select All could "press. Around here the possibility to create easy to switch between the packages originated this tool.
How do I use it (and you could do it too)
I have the LS13 directory (... \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2013 \) Verzichnisse for more mods. Mitdem program, I can now change the directory from which the LS Mods einließt:
To choose in the gate "mod directory" the path from ("..." button) and set the hook when active. Then I click on "Save" and the changes are active. The program remembers all the paths so that I can later move faster. If I want to go back to the default settings, I just take the hook out and save with active, then the mods again "mods" is read from the directory.
Also, I kanns einzele enable and disable mods and with information on the mod can show (see pictures).
I make no claim to completeness or correctness of this program. You use it at your own risk.
Credits (things you used but did not develop yourself):
Wheeled Tractor icon:
Tango Icon Library
# ziplib:
ec8orDinge dich benutzt aber nicht selber entwickelt habe:
Wheeled Tractor Icon:
Tango Icon Library
07 Jul 12:16Version
1 Comments for LS13 ModCommander
For this, i created a folder "Mods-multi" and "Mods-solo". In the "Mods-solo" i placed all my mods, and in the "Mods-multi" i placed the mods for my multiplayer party". So i have to rename the good folder in "Mods" before running the game.