This is script to make better overview of you vehicles / combines.
1) labeling Hired or Coursepacks Play driven vehicle (Autopilot vehicle)
2) shows only cars that are refillable or have refillable accessories (or course play driven) and showing% or Litres (or both) + type of fruits
possible changes to display the volume in liters and% filling or both (change via "/")
3) highlighting the lack of grain and fertilizer in implements and low fuel.
4) shows the speed.
5) higlight grain tank (over 85%)
6) show course play routes. (Tested on public beta for 2013)
7) show vehicle numbering compatible with Fast Switcher
8) day / night mode (text intensity change)
9) text positioning in dependency of show / hide help menu
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New in version 0.9.1
- Some text format (numbers) fix.
- Name of players has different color.
* Add MP mode for multiplayer game
- Default in multiplayer game (still switchable to normal mode via "\")
- Not showing index #,% fuel and speed for real players, still showing for hired and course play drived vehicles for better overview.
- Showing all implements.
by WLKe-
28 Nov 06:49Version 0.9.1
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