ATTENTION: This Mod is moving to MODHUB next time. All actual downloadlinks here deleted.
Now here come the K-Series of the Lemken Kompaktor
The K-series integrate a foldable carrier system for raod traffic using. Work width between 4 and 6 m are avaiable.
This Mod contains all features of the S-Series
Link to the Lemken Kompaktor S-Serie:
Avaiable models
K500 (mounted)
Work width: 5m - 1x 2m and 2x 1,5 m compactors on foldable frame.
attachment: 3 point
Power : 180PS
- frontwidth 1
- twinwheels
supportet FS17 standardfeatures
light, particles, "Earthmoving" at tines, rotating rolls and of course washable
special Features:
- free swinging Kompaktor segments (follow ground and physics)
- separate working Kompaktorsegments
- High control for Kompaktor tools (backroller, cultivator, groundrails)
- groundeffect for cultivorsegment now depend from working depth
- 2 different cultivator tool selectable
- 5 roller combination for different types of ground
Modell: ImpTS
Textur: ImpTS
Script: ImpTS
Tester: ImpTS
11 Nov 17:55Version 1.1
by ImpTS
ago over 8 years
by ImpTS
ago over 8 years
by ImpTS
ago over 8 years
by ImpTS
ago over 8 years
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