Knuston Farm main Erweitert

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Knuston Farm Extended for Farming Simulator 2015


Knuston farm is a map more or less based on real life, its an area of chosen land from right out of my back door and some where I know like the back of my hand. The main farm in real life is actually called Knuston High Farm and is an old farming business that has been going for a long long time, there business is pretty much arable farming and even though they have there own land they also do a lot of contracting around large parts of Northamptonshire. I have kept the map layout as real as possible with all fields being in the correct position by making a map tattoo from a scale 2km by 2km print screen of that area, I have also used a modified version of the DEM for this map. Keeping with real life the map is mostly geared up for arable farming which is obvious from the layout though there is some grass to be cut as well. New to the extended version is the railway line, as I have only added in the goods line the fields the other side are made up though kept the similar pattern and theme and have some what kept the layout realistic.

How have I done my map and why

After starting various other map projects and failing to complete them for various reasons I decided to ask myself questions over map making, I worked out what I wanted in a map and for what the map would be used for. I did not buy a forestry game so I have not added anything for forestry, even though I have been very careful when making my map in terms of performance and trying to make everything as tidy as possible I still prefer detail and I like my maps to look very pretty. I cant stress enough this map is quite intensive on most computers including my own, I wont change this and its just my style and maybe its a shame Giants didn't make better gaming engines that would allow such detail.

Need to know

This map and as always has been aimed at creating luscious scenery full of greenery just like in life, so the use of trees, bushes and hedges is very high and in fact there is near on or about 4500 trees in this map, so please understand that a decent computer medium to high spec will be needed to play on higher settings. Now with addition of now land those tree figures are likely to be another third higher.


    • Multi terrain and hire mod tutorial implemented

    • Few natural sounds added

    • All foliage is altered in shape and size as well as textures changed

    • Cows, sheep and chickens implemented

    • Chopped straw mod added, original swathes have also been altered to look more tidy and fuller

    • Yard cluttered with tools, objects and decals

    • All gates open and shut manually

    • Buyable fields with custom buy signs

Extended features

    • Many many fixes that where mentioned from the previous version

    • Railway line added in place of real life midland mainline railway (goods line)

    • Vastly extended the land the other side of the railway line

    • Added a large smart BGA facility within the new land

    • Added small farm yard within new land (very small only couple of features, more a stop gap)

    • Made new PDA map that is very different to anything else I have seen (easy to read, clean and smart)

    • New foliage layers added across the map to brighten everything up (Wild flowers and bushes)

    • Animated horses added to replace the static ones at edge of map

    • Animated balloon with sound, fire and lights up on very long spline (so it don't appear all the time)

    • Working Class 222 meridian in East Midlands Trains livery as a seven car consist, Speeding past at 93mph with real sounds taken from Train simulator 2015, working horn which comes on for 3 seconds every 50 seconds, at 2100 hours the train automatically lights up (windows, cab and red/yellow lights)

    • This map has been made soil mod ready for the enthusiast :P

    • Cut grass changed for realism

Major extended features

    • Extended area of land with new backing houses

    • Railway made into a twin track with duplication of train, electric overheads added

    • New bridges added or adjusted with new foot bridge

    • Various texture changes of ground and foliage

    • New shop building added

    • New shed and area added to main farm

    • Seed stacks at main farm moved indoors

    • Small castle added to scenery

    • Water tower with water trigger added

    • New gate opening sound and new large metal door opening sounds added

Needed mods

    • Marshall trailer -

    • Animation map trigger -

    • Chopped straw mod -

    • JCB DLC -

Soil mod information

You can use this map with or without soil mod, if you want to play soil mod then you need to add the mod that is linked below. If you want to play the map like any other map or default map then make sure you dont have or move the soil mod from your mods folder. Easy! :)

Soil mod


Will my pc run this map

This map will run the best it can, it is fully optimized to how I want to see this map. This map is very detailed with long draw distances, being a scale large arable map it needs the longer draw distances otherwise you would end up with a very blank looking map. Even for myself I don't get great FPS though I have managed to live with it and it turns out AMD cards are just not as good as Nvidia cards when it comes to FS. For low end PC's I would imagine that it will be playable on low to medium settings, For medium spec PC's like mine then medium to high settings will be playable. I have seen on two other PC's people playing my map with around 100 - 150 FPS with ease on full settings, these were high end Intel systems.
All in all I do expect some people to have trouble playing my map, but you have to remember I make this map for myself to how I want the map to be and that I merely share it because I believe its the right thing to do to keep the game going.

Please don't re upload this map without my permission, edits are likely to be rejected by myself depending on the severity of change.

Ultimately enjoy the map as I do... Peter.


Bridge by FSModding_Gary

Various sheds by NI Modding

Some buildings by Andrei Valentin

Straw chopper mod by Webalizer 

Some objects around the yard by VertexDezign 

The 10m / 15m Fencing panels and gates should be credited to me, sandgroper 

Also the bushes with collisions I have credited as: 

Originally uploaded to FSUK by Johan12 for FS11 
Original modder: Dennis Busch 
Additional editing: Spider100 
Optimised for FS13 and added collisions: sandgroper

Original train (ICE) by Schienen/Zug: wohlstandskind/Youfarm-map

Big credit goes out to Decker_MMIV, this guy has helped me sort out a few scripts within the map and has always helped me with any question of issues I have had. As well as that he is also the maker of Soil mod.

If there are objects on the map that are not credited please drop me a PM as this isn't deliberate and would always credit peoples work.

New field definitions by Robbie

Adrian S
Jack S
David H
Alex T
Regan H

If you wish to upload to another site you MUST contact me for permission, NO authorization will be given to edits of this map unless you have spoken me in great detail.

  • 20 Mar 15:17
    Version 1.0


checksum: f0933302b8895918ef0856ee1c98d364
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Real name: Peter Adrian Smith - FSUK name: Petorious
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Knuston Hohe Bauernhof
description in shop: Eine realistische Karte im Herzen von England gesetzt, Knuston Hohe Farm ist ein echter Bauernhof in Northamptonshire, die normalen Ackerbau Operationen läuft sowie Vertrags sie selbst heraus.

12.03 2016
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4.38 / 8 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
218 MB 3927
20. 03 2016 3,927

1 Comments for Knuston Farm main Erweitert

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  1. Barmbeckham 20. 03 2016

    It's a beautiful map . Good job, keep it up. And a nice PDA , made ??very clear , something different .
