Kempf Chiefmaster

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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The Kempf Chief Master convinces due to its high working width with an enormous high impact strength! This cultivator is perfect for the average farmer. Kempf Chief Master convinces with its 9 meter working width on the field, for transportation to and from the field of cultivators can be folded to a width of 3 meters. Through the lighting system and the warning signs of cultivators is also suitable for longer road trips! In Kempf Chief Master puts years of development work, unfortunately it is not the designers managed the force needs to be set at least 335 hp. This high horsepower number had to be chosen because of the size, since the Maschiene also has a total weight of 1.5 tons. In our unbeatable offer they can get the Kempf Chief Master starts at € 27,899! We hope this product from Kempf could convince you!
Unfolding: Press X Lowering: key V Light: Press L, or Numpad 1,2,3 Grubberfunktion with complete ParticleSystem Washable

Please note that this cultivator is a fantasy object and would never work in real höchstwarscheinlich!
This mod is a product from Qualitaetsmods! We stand for mods that 100% play and Logfehlerfrei are in SP and in MP! Much fun with this mod! Your QM-Team!

Support for this mod you get only in our forum:

< img class =" decoded " src ="" alt =" ">
The mod was created and tested by Qualitätsmods team.
The Qualitätsmods team consists of:
Dad, Simkeme, power74de, Johnny Driver, workshop manager, Baden Bauer, chrissl and Pueres!

Support only on
It is not permitted, this mod if Original or in a modified form on other pages publish! All publications and changes the to be published, require written approval! Please keep in mind you!


Mod by Qualitaetsmods-Team
Idee und ParticleSystem by Nubsi

  • 10 Jul 20:06
    Version 1.0


checksum: 80337ee2967969b570f0fdac737c798d
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Qualitaetsmods
price in shop: 27899 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

10.07 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.25 / 24 Votes


nach 12 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
7.56 MB 4201
10. 07 2015 4,201

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