-------------------- V1.1 Fix Plane --------------------
New Version:
- Version Numpad / Joystick (Xbox 360)
- Add Plane for any kind of culture.
Good Game
Nouvelle Version:
- Version Numpad / Joystick (Manette Xbox360)
- Rajout Plane pour tout type de Culture.
Bon Jeux
Nova Versão:
- Versao Numpad / Joystick (Manette Xbox 360)
- Plane para todo o Typo de Culturas.
Bom Jogo
-------------------- V1.0 BETA --------------------
EN: Welcome, today Team TMP liberates you first V1 BETA Test JCB 4CX.
This is the first BETA Test.
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FR: Bienvenue, aujourd'hui l'equipe TMP vous libére ça premiere V1 BETA Test de la JCB 4Cx.
Ceci est la premiere BETA Test.
Laissez votre avis / commentaire sur notre Forum:
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PT: Bem Vindo, aqui Hoje a equipa TMP liberavos a sua primeira V1 BETA Test da JCB 4 Cx.
Esta é uma primeira BETA Test.
Deixe o seu comentario no nosso Forum:
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Team Modding Portugal-
08 Nov 07:31Version 1.1
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years -
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years -
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
3 Comments for JCB 4CX
In script dirt.lua is following line:
FruitUtil.registerFruitType("dirt", false, false, false, 0, 0.005, 0.01, 1, 1, hudFile);
The second argument of the method register FruitType is the i18n-Name (nameI18N)!
Value false is wrong. A string value is expected.
Now the bucket dont autoleveel anymore ??? :(
Hi, nice to see that you fixed some things.
But what about texturing it in better way, some reflex and glow like GIANT textures and add some dirt (it feels a lot more realistic) ?
when you will fix this ?
And probably the scale is a bit bigger or the man inside is not in scale and gives us that impresion?