Horsch Pronto 9 SW DSF-till
The Horsch Pronto 9 SW converted from the LS15 in the LS17. It has all the standard functions built the Dirketsaatfunktion. DSF beduetet DirektSaatFertilizer as Direktsaatfunktion with fertilization. 9m working width. The track Reiser were removed because the tug Today are daily more and more equipped to GPS and therefore the marker arms are gradually losing their importance.
Recommended power 370PS
9m working width
6000 liters capacity seed
6000 liters Düngerkapazizät
up to 20kmh Sägschwindigkeit
Greetings and Happy Easter wishes Joker modding.
Modell: Giants
Textur: Gianta
Script: Giants
Idee / Konzept: Giants
Tester: JokerModding
Konvertiert von LS15 in LS17 von JokerModding
14 Apr 20:06Version 1.1
by JokerModding
ago almost 8 years
by JokerModding
ago almost 8 years
by JokerModding
ago almost 8 years
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