Great River Stream

V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Great River Stream V1 Multifrucht!




Preface & Note




Please read you to only the description through before it comes to questions which are in the description already.


If you want to play the map please admits only on your Modsordner, meaning it should be no other maps in the folder to be (can lead to errors).


Then please download the mods down that are needed for this map.


Yes, the AGS team has it that are still vacancies to find it on the map.


So yes only times only V1 will continue to be built.


Incidentally, the map was tested in Singelplay and on the Dedi server.


so please can not get to the Map could not play.


For very weak computer no warranty is given!




For Map


The Great River Stream is a 4-fold map. With 22 fields where at field 6,7,11 and 14 you already gehören.Alle other fields have only bought werden.Die Fields you have yet to buy, have yet to be plowed.


Added to this is still the animal farm as a Masthof.


Besides all the field work, there are lots of industries that need to be supplied with goods, but as more in the PDF file.




Small pointed to the road network, all roads therefore have guardrails Attention go at.


The barriers can in GE (GIANTS Editor) NOT take away as bask the roads are gone.


Why this ? Simply one can not in real live simply so times a guardrail away


take to drive a shortcut.




What was installed?


Mixfeeder for the cows and as for cattle and pigs.


Some scales was installed with.


Info signs.


Pallet warehouse on the logistics yard (XML for multi overlay v2 is in Modpack at)


To store the pallets, it can take up to a std until you can see what


Damage and Repairs Mod.




The Modpack for the map will be with us on the HP




Required Mods:


Mixfeeder: https: //




Multi Overlay V2 Hud: https: //




For pallets and Co the XML file for pallets there with us.

IvecoClixtarPackv1.2: http: // page = Thread & threadID = 232


Kotte Universal: http: // f = 137 & t = 1752


AAA 64Fix: https: //


Optional mods:

drive control: https: //


MietMod: https: //


Damage and Repairs Mod:


Should there still ask to enter Map in our forum


or TS: 9988







AGS-Team: Map, road and buildings.


Mythic: cowshed, cattle and pig sty




Blue Baby


FSM team (thanks for the help)




If I have forgotten somebody please enter via PM or on the homepage summoned.



AGS-Team:Map,Straße und Gebäude.


Mythic:Kuhstall,Rinder und Schweinestall






FSM Team ( danke für die Hilfe)




Sollte ich jemand vergessen haben bitte per PM oder auf der Homepage beschied geben.


  • 29 Apr 07:35
    Version 1.2

    Änderrung Grossflussbach V1.2

    Diverse fruchtplanen in den Ställen angepast.
    Palletenlager erweitert.
    Schlammlöcher mit eingefügt.
    Jungzucht anlange eingefügt
    Schlachtrinder verbrauch beim Schlachter angepast
    Navmesh beim Kuhstal neu erstelt.
    OlPaletten eingebunden beim Sägewerk,Zuckerfabrik,Leerpalettenfabrik,KartonFabrik und Kraftwerk.
    neue Frucht sorte schlacke um Ol herzustellen.
    Gebäude für OlPaletten herstelung.
    Kalkwerk eingebaut.
    Zufählle hinzugefügt.
    AGIS Hafer eingefügt.
    Wald beim Hafen (neue Tannen).
    Gülle und Mist verkauf beim Landhandel eingefügt.

  • 25 Mar 23:49
    Version 1.0


checksum: cbb591235db79fc2a6046e931449ea6e
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: AGS-Team
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Grossflussbach
description in shop: Willkommen auf der Grossflussbach

25.03 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.45 / 22 Votes


nach 19 Stimmen

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V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
570 MB 2421
29. 04 2016 2,421
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
505 MB 1528
25. 03 2016 1,528

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