
V incl DamageMod mod for Farming Simulator 15

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I hereby present you the grazyland for Farming Simulator 2015 is available.


Those who still remember the map of LS13, it has not changed much :)

A few adjustments had to be made ,,, a few things had to give way, a few things were added, but on the whole everything is like "before": P


Facts: Multi Fruit -> oats, rye and sunflower (incl. Planning and particle animation, lime and fertilizer as well), chicken and pig fattening, cattle fattening, agricultural flyer to fertilize the fields (for the lazy among us) WaterMod, manure / dung / Lime Mod, warning signs, barriers (some open to the manual), MapSiloBänder, 2x Fermenting silos, 2x feed storage, extra potato / beet stock at the animal farm and the BGA (UPK), manure storage, Häckselgutlager Chips stock on the farm and distributed 3 pieces on the Map (UPK), 2 Mixer stations, beets Schneider, wool pallet collector, straw power plants, factory for various things, Manuel BGA from the LS13, Mini BGA on the animal farm, logistics center, Green Ag, Roth Ag, rape Ag, cereals Ag, country store, garden center, Edeka, sugar egg, water pumps, butcher, oil mill, saw mill, biomass cogeneration, Map lights, lime / fertilizer produced purchase and storage conditions, a fillable stations (farm and animal yard), gas stations with variable prices, Digital level displays, ChoppedStraw, BunkerSiloHud Ready, Seedmaster normal seeds (seeds) can be Utilized as it were, for the standard drill,


Traffic passes over the entire map. Pedestrians in the village.


This was it first in the rough and all, I'm sure I forgot something back, but most of it was recorded :)



Required Mods


Animation Map Trigger: 


GülleMistKalk Mod: (only needed on v1.0)

Universal Process Kit v0.9.8 :


Multi Fruit basis Mod: (module for the map is the map included)

Soil Management :


Sooo, long story no sense (no description reads anyway)


I wish you much fun on the Map



Big thanks goes out to my testers: chrisu70, clod 2.0, maisbauer1242 and of course the whole LU GreeenDevils team who have a 4 week stress test on the Dedi Server pulled through :)


Special Thanks goes to: BlueBaby210 for the release of MapAmpeln! THX



Someone forgot to Creditz? Report to you by private message! THX




1x unzip file and choose "Copy" everything in the mods folder!



grüsse mngrazy





Marhu , matzesft , FSM-Team , buchhauer , Alex2009 , Blacky_BPG , Ls-2013Modding , KundS Modding , Livestyler , freak36558 , skydancer , GE-Mapping , ZeFir , Eribus , Vertex Dezign , GCG Modding , Manu ya , Fendt512_Farmer , Bluebaby210 , | Mark44 | , 112TEC , Trekkerbodo , SBorg , mariodieck , _PaPa_ , TheAgraama , Typho0n , Romank , manuuuu , webalizer , t0xic0m , Farmer_Andy , Funky , tobiasgo , Mannie313 , Hardstyler , upsidedown , JakobT , Thorty88

  • 19 Feb 16:28
    Version incl DamageMod

    - Fix für Lagerbestände

  • 14 Feb 10:08
    Version incl DamageMod

    - Map zip beinhaltet nun die SoilMod und die Gülle Mist Kalk Kompost Version (beim Bildschirm zur Map Auswahl bitte die richtige version auswählen die ihr spielen wollt)
    - Mastanlagen auf v5 geupdatet
    - Viehmarkt hinzugefügt (bei der Logistik GmbH)
    - Manus BGA geupdatet
    - UPK "Gebäude" überarbeitet , ausgestattet mit Förderbändern und ParticleSystemen
    - Futterlager Tierhof umgebaut (das "abladen" per Schaufel ist möglich , ebenso Ballen)
    - Befüllbare Diesel Tanks hinzugefügt ,,, z.b. Händler (zwecks MietMod) und grosse BGA
    - Klee und Luzern hinzugefügt
    - Kartoffel Waschanlage hinzugefügt
    - Kartoffel Dämpfer hinzugefügt
    - Schweinefutter Master hinzugefügt
    - Lager für washed/steamed Potatos und pigForage hinzugefügt
    - MilkMax hinzugefügt
    - Gras Textur geändert
    - Hackschnitzellager ParticleSysteme hinzugefügt
    - Trigger für Wolle und Holzpaletten verbaut (Spinnerei) ,,, (unterschiedliche preise für die paletten)
    - Trigger für washedPotatos in Kisten und MilkMax Behälter verbaut beim Edeka
    - Preise und Erträge angepasst
    - PlayerSpawner verbaut/erweitert (Taste "

  • 16 Apr 16:53
    Version 1.2 GMK Mod

    - Kompostier Anlage hinzugefügt
    - Sägewerk für Bretter hinzugefügt
    - Gülle / Mist / Kalk / Kompost Mod

  • 16 Apr 16:52
    Version 1.2 SoilMod

    - Kompostier Anlage hinzugefügt
    - Sägewerk für Bretter hinzugefügt
    - Kompost Erde für den SoilMod

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    ago about 10 years


checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Blacky_BPG
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Heady [] / mngrazy
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: mngrazy
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Bluebaby210
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TMT, RC-Devil
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
checksum: 154321a28a0cb98655a12cc00f4ad8d0
Version: incl DamageMod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Freelance Modding Crew
price in shop: LS
name in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod
description in shop: grazyland MultiFruit SoilMod

20.02 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.7 / 356 Votes


nach 323 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V incl DamageMod
Farming Simulator 15
589 MB 4146
19. 02 2016 4,146
V incl DamageMod
Farming Simulator 15
589 MB 2896
14. 02 2016 2,896
V 1.2 SoilMod
Farming Simulator 15
521 MB 6945
16. 04 2015 6,945
1 ältere Versionen

14 Comments for grazyland

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  1. telhos 10. 03 2016

    The Potato washer and the patato stimmer are placable mod? I cant find them on the map :(

    thanks for the help

    1 replies

  2. telhos 04. 03 2016

    I can not find the warehouse for the seed , Is this normal?

  3. telhos 22. 02 2016

    First thing i want to say, the map is aw-some ! Over 12h on dedicated server and map works fine!

    2 question please. Why is the plants growth is always going off at every game save, when soilmod is on ?
    Is there a service truck to go repair on field especially for the tool??

    1 replies

  4. telhos 17. 02 2016

    Is the soilMod is absolutely necessary to play on version 1.4.2? Very nice Map !!

    1 replies

  5. Tommy0680 15. 02 2016

    Really good map mngrazy.
    Have tried it for some hours now, and it will be many more.

    PS: i really like what you`ve done to the workshop ('',)

  6. ZandPilooT 07. 11 2015

    Playing this map on 2013 a lot and love it. Downloading the 2015 version for my son. Thanks.

  7. Warondar69 17. 04 2015

    MNGrazy, you keep doing what you've been doing for each FS game. There are a lote more people who enjoy your work than those who don't.
    And yes, MH admins need to seriously look at the level of horrid personal and verbal attacks made on modders and those that support them.
    Send MH emails detailing how much you find these conditions deplorable. I've done so in the past, but alas it just seems like things are getting worst not better.
    Either case, your map gets 5/5 from me mngrazy. Big thanks.

  8. blueweb 26. 03 2015

    Hi. Great map! Quick question. I am unable to fill the diesel tanks at the main farm. Am I using the wrong trailer or missing the button command popup? I have tried the default trailer and a few others, but I can't get it to work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    1 replies

  9. truckergarry 09. 03 2015

    hi i have grazy land map but any combine i use i cant cut with it and i have the field payed for

    1 replies

  10. ozzygamer 27. 02 2015

    Hi Grazy. The large BGA does not take manure on my map. Is this intended or maybe mod conflict on my end?

    1 replies

  11. ozzygamer 26. 02 2015

    Is there a trigger to sell manure at garden center? I could not find it next to big pile of manure.
    Gibt es einen Auslöser, um Gülle auf Garten-Center zu verkaufen? Ich konnte sie nicht finden neben großen Misthaufen.

    1 replies

  12. ozzygamer 25. 02 2015

    Doors in potato/beet storage close with vehicle under them while they are trying to unload. This traps my courseplay vehicles and i must come rescue them. Also, is there a storage for seeds?

    Türen in Kartoffel / Rübenlager Nähe mit Fahrzeug unter ihnen, während sie versuchen, zu entladen. Dies fängt mein course Fahrzeugen und ich muss kommen sie zu retten. Auch gibt es einen Speicher für Samen?

    1 replies

  13. ozzygamer 24. 02 2015

    Map is very nice! I did notice, however, a massive fps drop while unloading chaff into main farm store. This only happen with chaff. Also, please include updated diesel factory that takes pellets AND include klee and luzerne green crops.

    1 replies

  14. Warondar69 20. 02 2015

    Huge thanks mngrazy for updating your awesome map to FS15. From early indications the map is top quality and I've had no issues playing to date.
    In the Required Mods part of the description you should probably add AnimationMapTrigger which I need to open the doors to access the combines.
    Huge thanks again! 5/5

    1 replies
