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Modell: Kyosho
Textur: Kyosho
Idee / Konzept: Kyosho
Tester: Kyosho
25 Nov 16:08Version
by Kyosho
ago over 8 years
by Katze5
ago over 6 years
by Katze5
ago over 6 years
by Beero
ago over 8 years
25.11 2016
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25. 11 2016
2 Comments for Grasdorf Wennekamp
Hmm .. Gonna write here on the German site in English (my German is really bad) to help you use this 5 star mod - those who understand, must help those who don't, by translating ..
In order to attach a trailed implement to the towbar (ackerschiene ?) when the towbar is attached to the weight, you will have to position your player (yourself ingame) very precisely .. You must understand, that there is invisible boxes attached to all mods, that you must breech (collision) before the action you want is showing up .. And because the weight has an attach box (when you want to attach the weight to the tractor) you must leave this box, before the box belonging to the drawbar, can show up .. But not to far away, because then you leave the drawbar attach box ..
By the way - The drawbar can be attached directly to the tractors 3 point hitch, if you want .. Not so pretty in the rear end (the drawbar is to small) because it's made to fit the front end 3 pt. But it will work ..
Uploaded a few pictures, so you can see this actually works ..
This is (as you can see) tested with the manual attach mod - if it is working without this mod, I can't say .. Couldn't imagine to play this game without the manual attach ..
Giving this mod all the stars I can .. Good work.
Kyosho, thanks for this mod. I use this weight also in LS15. It is a greatfull weight.
Thanks, 5* and recommendation.