Goldcrest Mountains

V DL Fix mod for Farming Simulator 17

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These are the Goldcrest Mountains. A remote side valley near the Valleys.

Completely new building with standard features and buildings in the mountains.


Please look at pictures and read carefully whether the map suits you!





Map Size: small

Players: Single Player

Match shapes: animals & Forestry (no Agrarmap!)

Game Machine: Medium Tractors & small equipment

Topography: hilly to very steep terrain

Map Content: all standard functions


Play distances on the standard map is too large, preference for smaller equipment, LS17 in mountainous atmosphere: Motivation


This is version 1.0 .. Other versions may follow.

PDA map will be submitted (not a satisfactory result by height differences)



Have fun, Seba_S_Tian


Modell: Seba_S_Tian, Giants
Idee / Konzept: Seba_S_Tian

OldShed - BlackSheep

LightPackAddOn - Niggels

placeable Storagepackage - Fendtfan1

Feldscheune - Katsuo

Tankstelle - t0xic0m

Chopped Straw - webalizer


slowtide63: Idee, Konzept, 3D-Modell

Marhu: FabrikScript.lua (LS15)

KevinK98: Konvertierung LS17 FabrikScript.lua und AdditionalTriggers.lua


Credit: kevink98 (Script), Marhu (Script LS15), fasi (Palette) Giants (Gebäude LS15)

fermenter 5000 - gtx mods

placeable Old Shed2 - Blacksheep Modding

Schrankensset - Desperados93

machinery Shelter - fqc Art

woodshed - Niggels

Kastor Food Inc. - Kastor,Joker301069,Weisser,Da-Hoffi,Vanquish081,El_Cid,Ifkonator,BlackSheep(RC-Devil),Marhu,Kevink98,Giants

  • 17 May 19:50
    Version DL Fix

    geänderter DL

  • 16 May 22:04
    Version 4.0

    siehe Beschreibung

  • 19 Jan 06:43
    Version 3.0

    siehe Beschreibung

  • 16 Nov 12:30
    Version 2.5

    Änderungen 2.5

    - Abkippplätze bei Silo's und Unterständen überarbeitet
    - Chopped Straw (Strohverteilung auf Feld mit Düngefunktion) eingefügt
    - versteckte Wasserstelle bei Kuhstall hinzugefügt
    - versteckte Passstraße zwischen Schafen und Kühen hinzugefügt
    - einzigartigen Kuhstall mit Abkippplatz innen hinzugefügt
    - Sounds hinzugefügt
    - Karte verschönert, angepasst
    - Fehlerbeseitigung

  • 09 Nov 14:44
    Version 2.0

    siehe Beschreibung

  • 01 Nov 10:11
    Version 1.0.1 Bodenfix

    BGA Fix
    leichte optische Anpassungen im oberen Bereich
    Vorabversion PDA (zur Veranschaulichung der Verzerrungsproblematik)

  • 30 Oct 18:29
    Version 1.0


30.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.35 / 127 Votes


nach 115 Stimmen

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V DL Fix
Farming Simulator 17
968 MB 9509
17. 05 2017 9,509
V 4.0
Farming Simulator 17
968 MB 1047
16. 05 2017 1,047
V 3.0
Farming Simulator 17
648 MB 6020
19. 01 2017 6,020
4 ältere Versionen

6 Comments for Goldcrest Mountains

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  1. Eisotope 02. 10 2019

    Any chance you were planning on modding for FS19? I love this map!!!

  2. I really love the map, but can you please consider putting some traffic on the roads near the spawnpoint and the chickens? It feels a bit lonely now without traffic XD

    Also the map view isn't 100% accurate and there is some bad FPS drop on certain points of the map (It can't be my PC I have 16GB Ram and a GTX 980TI ) but I guess that can also be looked at in the next version?

    Thanks anyway for the brilliant map! I love it nonetheless!

    1 replies

  3. Very nice map, love it !
    But i can' t open te gates? I use the Saitek steering wheel and control panel. When i push 3 nothing happens .....


    1 replies

  4. 00dude 27. 04 2017

    wo kann man die bretterpaletten verkaufen?
    lg roman

    1 replies

  5. Loggerat55 22. 11 2016

    Love the map, outstanding job, the expansion of 2.5 was exceptional, thank you.

  6. Eisotope 17. 11 2016

    Any fix for the AI Helpers? Courseplay bugs out something fierce...

    Wonderful map otherwise!!!
