I really love the map, but can you please consider putting some traffic on the roads near the spawnpoint and the chickens? It feels a bit lonely now without traffic XD
Also the map view isn't 100% accurate and there is some bad FPS drop on certain points of the map (It can't be my PC I have 16GB Ram and a GTX 980TI ) but I guess that can also be looked at in the next version?
Thanks anyway for the brilliant map! I love it nonetheless!
Hi, thx for your reply.
I decided against more traffic because of possible use of big machinery on the small streets causing collisions often.
The rest is known but won't be changed.
The project is over for me and i'm looking for some new map again in the future.
Did u try to open them in vehicle or by food? I can only imagine, that another mod used parallel, makes some problems. so try, if problem still exists without any further mods.
6 Comments for Goldcrest Mountains
Any chance you were planning on modding for FS19? I love this map!!!
I really love the map, but can you please consider putting some traffic on the roads near the spawnpoint and the chickens? It feels a bit lonely now without traffic XD
Also the map view isn't 100% accurate and there is some bad FPS drop on certain points of the map (It can't be my PC I have 16GB Ram and a GTX 980TI ) but I guess that can also be looked at in the next version?
Thanks anyway for the brilliant map! I love it nonetheless!
Very nice map, love it !
But i can' t open te gates? I use the Saitek steering wheel and control panel. When i push 3 nothing happens .....
wo kann man die bretterpaletten verkaufen?
lg roman
Love the map, outstanding job, the expansion of 2.5 was exceptional, thank you.
Any fix for the AI Helpers? Courseplay bugs out something fierce...
Wonderful map otherwise!!!