After a long pause time for something new.
This time it's another building.
-. Texture in DDS (AO)
- No errors in the logging information
- Clip Distance set at 300
- The package is attached file "Read"
- The package is also animated Door trigger.
- I tried to make buildings, the least weighed
- The model can only the new version of GE (6.0.2, etc.) are baked
- The door opened to "O"
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- Categorical ban to change the link!
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- Download the original link.
The more people will think of these rules is very likely that another building will be much faster!
If you see that someone somewhere is not with the rules does not necessarily correspond to contact me!
Installation Animation Door Trigger + + + text file texture = 17MB (probably worth a download)
I invite you to my fan page!
Enjoy the game
Greetings Swiftpaw
# FS15GF
Model: GoldFox
Texture: GoldFox
Script: DBL, Ziuta, GoldFox
Idea / Concept: GoldFox
Testing: GoldFox
Other: Perez, Fractal, DBL Modding
18 Mar 21:06Version 1.0
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