
V 2.0 Chopped Straw Soil Mod mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Welcome to Gamsting!

In the middle of the mountainous region of the Bavarian foothills of the Alps is almost entirely cut off from its environment Gamstinger the idyllic valley surrounded by majestic mountain ranges and inhabited by the humorous citizens Gamstings.

Of the once numerous hermit courtyards with blossoming agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in this secluded area today bear witness only the lush existing fields, pastures and cleared forest areas. The only remaining farm northwest of Gamsting now responsible for the management of the entire valley. This applies to supply and manage the village-owned biogas plant, a biomass cogeneration plant and own livestock.

The local branch of BayWa is the only source for the farmers in the region. Nevertheless, the agricultural machinery business and the warehouse offer a wide range and a rich assortment. When choosing your farm equipment the mountainous conditions should be considered. With large, bulky devices, even the most experienced farmer reach its limits.


The following sites are located on the map:

     (House, 2 grain storage, Wood storage, fertilizer and Kalklagerhalle, two machine shops, shelter, chicken coop with run-out, barn with pasture and one lying outside Sheepfold pasture)
     (Administrative building, carriage house, seed stock, Getreideabladedurchfahrhalle, potato and Rübenabladehalle with fertilizer pile, four grain silos)

     biogas plant
     (2 fermenter, storage tank, CHP container, 2 shelters, scales, operating house, transformer station, two drive-through silos and manure pit)
     (5 houses, gas station, church, castle, construction companies, small shelter)
     (Sales building, warehouse with seed storage bin)

     (Sales building, workshop)

     (3 factory building with point of sale)

     (Production building)
     (Production building, wood chips stock)
     heating plant
     (Power plant building, Wood stock, transformer station)
     (Restaurant building, warehouse and Playground)
     power supply system
     (High and low voltage poles, house utility poles, substations and distribution boxes)
     railway line
     (2 crossings with barriers, 4 tunnels, track section is traversed by an ICE DB)
     road network
     (Almost complete DIY, signs, guard rails, subways)
     Many bran details provide variety on the Map


Required Mods:

     MapDoorTriger (
     MapHoseRefStation (
     MapSuperSiloTrigger (
     aForestMod (
     Krone Turbo 2500, since launch vehicle (


The map there once with (Original Download Link) and one without (alternative download link) Wither!

For questions and problems you may like this sent to me in the comment section.

Have fun with my modification wishes you Stefan_LS!



- The mod can not be uploaded again without my consent!
- The mod can be converted for private use only!
- The mod can be offered only to the original download link to download!

Please note the readme included in the zip file!


Ersteller der Map: Stefan_LS
Modelle/Texturen/Skripte in der Map: Stefan_LS, Giants Software, Vertex Dezign, BM-Modding, LS-Landtechnik, Desperados93,
NKB-Modding, fruktor, HALOdup1,Heady, Rafftnix, taker, Nick98.1, mailman, Sven77b, Eicher-Fan, Fendtfan 1, iMarwin, Vanilleeis, Lw Farming

  • 20 Oct 22:50
    Version 2.0 Chopped Straw Soil Mod

    - Die Kollision wurde an allen Feld-Zäunen und Pflanzen entfernt
    - Fehler bei Feld 13 wurde behoben
    - Schwebende Objekte wurden abgesenkt
    - Chopped Straw Mod wurde intigriert
    - Water Mod wurde für Kühe,Schafe und Hühner hinzugefügt
    - Kühe im Kuhstall frieren nicht mehr ein
    - Fahrzeuge können nun auf dem Bauernhof zurückgesetzt werden
    - Hühner können jetzt viel mehr Eier legen
    - Maispflanzen wurden entfernt
    - Hackschnitzel-Verbrauch wurde geändert
    - Futtertöge wurden im Kuhstall angepasst
    - Durchgang für Kühe wurde im Kuhstall erstellt
    - SuperSiloTrigger wurde vergrößert,
    - LOD-Bäume und Stacheldrahtzäune rauschen nicht mehr in weiter Entfernung
    - Gelbe Flächen in der Mapübersicht im Menü wurden heute entfernt
    - Saatgut kann man nun auch am Hof bekommen
    - Viele kleine Änderungen

  • 03 Sep 08:14
    Version 1.0


checksum: 3986dfab6a186923e2d4ac6b2c5fd880
Version: 2.0 Chopped Straw Soil Mod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Stefan_LS
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Gamsting
description in shop: Herzlich Willkommen in Gamsting!

02.09 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.45 / 140 Votes


nach 134 Stimmen

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V 2.0 Chopped Straw Soil Mod
Farming Simulator 2013
224 MB 10971
20. 10 2014 10,971
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
221 MB 11780
03. 09 2014 11,780

2 Comments for Gamsting

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  1. Decker_MMIV 23. 10 2014

    Found a bug regarding field-borders.

    I bought field #2, but am prohibited from using it. - The reason: field #1's borders overlap field #2. And since I do NOT own field #1, then I can't use field #2.

    In the future, please make sure you do not make a field's borders overlap into another field. Use more "rectangles" for irregular shaped fields.

  2. PhoeniX_NL 21. 10 2014

    Thanks for a map with alot of details and work!!!
