Franc map

V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Here is the Franken map for you, on the map are many meadows and 61 fields

if you like, you can merge them to get bigger fields.

You can decide if you want to include the productions, just manage the fields

or livestock farming, of course, it's up to you how you play. You can also sell the milk yourself (STOPMILKSALE) or pick it up as usual (0 AM)


Features of the card are


Dairy Sale - Stop Dairy Sale


ChoppedStraw - Chopped Straw MOD


Slurry manure Mod




- Seagewerk - boards on pallets


- Pallet plant - Pallets


- Dairy - Cheese


- Refinery - this fuel


- Compostmaster


- Forage mixing production


- Pig feed production


- Seed / fertilizer production


A special thank you goes to FREANGERSXD for release for publication! Of course, also to CoffieTV and Nastus1 who have always streamed nice and have also tested.


More thanks to Undertaker75, TheMaiky1989, Reaper828, Holli72, Beul89, W3nZl and to all those I forgot .....



Danke an alle Modder, deren Objekte ich auf dieser Map verbauen konnte!


GSI-Flash, 820-PowerLS, Fatian, Buschi, Katsuo, Agrarteam-Franken, Steffen30Muc, Basti Pickel, NKB-Modding, Modding Welt, Nick98.1, Heady, Max311, GoldFox Modding, LSMODCompany

  • 13 Jan 20:05
    Version 2


    - SeasonMod ready

    - Blitzer an/ausschaltbar

    - Hofsiloanlage überarbeitet

    - Fertilizer und Saatgutlager überarbeitet


    - ChoppedStraw fehlende xml wieder eingefügt

    - Saatgutsilo wird Düngersiloklappe schließen angezeigt

    - Verkehr am Tunnel fixen

    - Collision an den Storage Silos entfernen

    - Silowand Coli Hof fixen/bearbeiten

    - Texturen Seedmaster fixen

    - GMKFC Texturen bleibt nach mähen des Grases

    - Wiesen hinter Paletteproduktion düngbar machen

    - Zufahrt zur Raffinerie verändern mehr Platz

    - l10n Eintrag Diselverkauf ändern

    - Navmesh Kühe/Schafe/Schweine fixen

    - BGA Silo fixen

    - Hof Silo fixen

    - Feldweg 41/43/46 an Boden angleichen

  • 24 Dec 09:36
    Version 1


checksum: 96ef043b05f36f9c3052055f35119f5d
Version: 2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: FraengersxD/edit Manituo Fan
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Franken Map
description in shop: Dies ist Franken Map Season vorbereitet.

23.12 2017
Modhoster user rating
3.97 / 30 Votes


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V 2
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V 1
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