Fox-Alpha Beta Mapviewer

V V0.5 $Rev: 54 $ mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Mapviewer v0.50 Beta

Whom the PDA map in the game is too small, or who like to know where each player in multiplayer mode rumfährt, or you'd like to know where your equipment on your map wherever you parked. Then the Mapviewer is exactly right for you.
The MapViewer map represents the PDA by pressing a button on the entire screen, generates nice Clearly with player names and positions of all vehicles and equipment.

Many improvements and enhancements to the last version. I extended the overlay to the display of active play courses in the Course. Also new is the display of the bottles are not collected. Many changes are not obvious at first glance. But I have updated the news and these are inserted into both German and in English.

Since I've heard and read is not always the key layout is optimal and there are many mods on the previous buttons, I have misplaced my keys on the block 6.
Now you can control the Mapviewer with inserting, removing, and end. Who wants to remap its keys but the nominees settings is now easier.

I still have the equipment, depending on the type, a new symbol donated. All units now differ by color. Currently, only if they are not anheängt to a vehicle.

* Note *
The displayed map is used from the map. Deviations in the position at the time of this quality. Giants on the standard map, the position fits almost to 100%

Again briefly summarized.
* These are indicating! Not a Map! *, But a script that the PDA map on the entire screen.

Additionally, players are identified by name on the current positions. Just as the position of all vehicles and equipment.


- Total PDA * Map * button on the screen about m
- Remove key icon legend * * (With active map)
- Symbols used to represent, color coding of the types of devices
- Keys can be customized in the game options. Now easier to find.
- Player names and positions in real time
- Positions of vehicles and implements
- Indicates if available, the hot spots (traders, mill etc, must be integrated into the map by modders) on the large map to
- If the mapper supports display of field numbers and PoI
- Shows player name in the original PDA Map
- Fully compatible multiplayer
- Compatible Course to Play
- Fits standard map LS 11
- No adjustments necessary for further maps, MapViewer uses existing PDA_Map the map.
- Instructions are included in the zip folder.


! All old versions of your mods folder, remove from MapViewer. !

Danch simple, as with any mod, put the zip file into your mods folder. LS starts. Done.

The keyboard layout can be adjusted in the options of LS according to your wishes.
The keys can be found in the text or in the mod description.

There is now no longer necessary for each map to make your own version. MapViewer uses the now automatically PDA_Map from the map.
The additional overlays for the Feldnummernierung MapViwer also uses the map when they were introduced by the mapper.

For the standard map that I've entered the field and the PoI numbering in my zip. Here you can also look at any mappers like these can be integrated into your own map.

More information

Look at the attached screenshots here at Modhoster.

In my extensive WIKI are many more, to find the MapViewer

Anyone interested can visit my MapViewer on Facebook

Many thanks to all the testers who have helped me in debugging and improvement.

MapViewer V0.5 Changelog

+ Error messages and other log output revised

+ Keybindings
- Standard buttons remapped
- Enable = Paste
- Legend = Remove
- Overlay = off by the end

+ Save and load the last settings with the score
- Transparency
- Active Overlay

+ Key names adapted so that they can be clearly detected in the options
- This will start with "MapViewer" in the game options

+ Bottle Finder
- Display items on the map of Bottle (Single and Multi-Play)

+ Load and error messages from the XML LogText
- Multi-language available in English and German

+ Added new icons for device types differ
- Display not only in an attached state
- Added new icon legend descriptions

+ Extends the Durschalten overlays
- On 4th Here appear all active courses in the CousePlay 2:11 Mod by Hummel / NetJungle
- On 5th Here appear not yet collected all the bottles
- Show the active mode as info

+ Display unusable vehicles with its own icon on the map
- E.g. if these are too deep in the water

+ Key names adapted so that they can be clearly detected in the options
- This will start with "MapViewer" in the game options

---! I do not permit the mod on other sites without my permission to offer! ---

If you like the script, please just leave a little feedback and a click is looking forward to evaluating me.
Who does not like the script, just send them constructive criticism. I am always open to suggestions.


Script / Idee / Umsetzung

Danke an alle Betatester

  • 23 Aug 18:07
    Version V0.5 $Rev: 54 $


checksum: 2b4e913d0b61f621c72b1e909781fc4e
Version: V0.5 $Rev: 54 $
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Fox-Alpha
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

23.08 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.55 / 67 Votes


nach 30 Stimmen

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V V0.5 $Rev: 54 $
Farming Simulator 2011
7.94 MB 25412
23. 08 2011 25,412

1 Comments for Fox-Alpha Beta Mapviewer

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  1. gideons 23. 08 2011

    Hi, super mod danke weiter so
