Hello and welcome back with one of my new models!
First I want to say that this "project" is still in the Vollendugsphase what I want to say that this version has still no function! However, in the coming days and the coming week will get added all useful scripts!
If you ask yourself the question: What do I do now with this model? Can I suggest you make it to the premature completion, for example, to use as a decoration
What is not made:
Texture maps agnepassst
Made tires and drawbar moveable
Adjusted the overall size
Follow More Scripts
Programs used:
created with Sketchup2015
converted with Blender2.71
AU ßERDEM: Once it is fully operational, it will of course be provided for LS13!
Until next DerLSLandwirt
NOTE: This mod must (even if it is not complete yet) NOT be circulated
15 Nov 18:26Version 1.0
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