Estância São Carlos is a Brazilian map based on the region of the municipality of Jataí, Goiás.
- Map with small town accompanied by a gas station and a mechanic.
- Map with 23 fields with missions, present with additional crops such as beans and sorghum.
- The sale of grains in general can be made in the warehouses Paraíso and Boa Vista.
- The Boa Vista warehouse, accepts grains, potatoes, beets, and sugar cane, in addition to bales of cotton, wool, grass, silage, and straw.
- At the animal dealer there is a point for selling silage, straw and grass.
- In the city it is possible to sell potatoes, beets and eggs at the São Carlos market.
- Milk is sold at the dairy.
- At the sawmill you can sell logs and wood chips.
- To buy limestone you have to take a trailer to the unloading point at the limestone mine.
- On each farm there is a water collection point.
- The main farm comes with a house for sleeping, a chicken coop, and pasture for sheep.
- The map has another farm with a sleeping house, cow pasture, and a bunker for silage.
- BGA for working with silage.
Thank you and have a good game!
Dayton Henrique-
15 Jul 13:27Version 1.0
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
by sentencedsentenced
ago over 3 years
1 Comments for Estancia São Carlos Map
schöne kleine map aber viel zu viele Masten mit Kollisionen das ist ganz schön nervig weil CP die nicht punktgenau erkennt. Man bleibt von einer Seite immer hängen.