Extended Cruise Control

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Have you also been annoyed that the Giants have cruise control so messed up? That you can change the speed only as "slow"? Now here is a script that solves these problems.



  • Speed ??to one third of the Top speed. * Set
  • Reset speed (at maximum speed)
  • 6 speed steps that need to be turned on
    • this limit the speed to one-sixth, fifth, ...
    • if enabled, they will appear on the bottom right
    • can be adjusted by pressing keys


Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Speed ??steps
    • activate with SHIFT-4
    • increase with SHIFT 2
    • decrease with SHIFT-1
  • Speed ??thirds with SHIFT-3
  • Reset the speed with 4



Minimum 6 km / h; Maximum 18 km / h


Have fun with it.



  • 21 Mar 19:34
    Version 1.1

    - 'Drivable' anstatt 'Steerable'
    - Nur aktiv falls man in einem Fahrzeug sitzt
    - kleine Script-verbesserungen
    - keine Log-Warnings mehr (l10n Einträge vorhanden)
    - Das "Fahrstufe: " ist nun auch als l10n vorhanden, daher auch in English
    - der Timer bei dem erhöhen der Fahrstufen ist weg
    - die Tempomat-Geschwindigkeit wird ab sofort nur noch beim Ändern der Fahrstufe aufgerufen, nicht mehr in jedem FPS.

  • 15 Mar 14:07
    Version 1.0

  • 677613
    by Rival
    ago about 10 years


checksum: c5f2b217c4b52943f56f5c6119e3200d
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: RivalBomb
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

15.03 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.56 / 18 Votes


nach 16 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
59.8 KB 7937
21. 03 2015 7,937
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
59.6 KB 3449
15. 03 2015 3,449

1 Comments for Extended Cruise Control

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  1. Decker_MMIV 16. 03 2015

    May I suggest the following changes to the script:

    - Put it on the 'Drivable' specialization, instead of the 'Steerable'.
    - Test as early as possible, if the vehicle has a human driver. I.e. test for "self.isEntered" or "self:getIsActiveForInput(false)" as the first thing. As there is no need to execute the remaining code if the vehicle is not controlled by a human.
    - There is no need to check if a boolean-variable is true, to set it to false. Just set it to false.
    - Put the drawing of text, into the draw() function. And also do use g_i18n:getText() instead of hardcoding "Fahrstufe: ".
    - Instead of doing the 'ECC.t = ECC.t+dt' and 'if ECC.t >= 1100 then', try to just use 'InputBinding.hasEvent()' and then increase/decrease the 'ECC.currentSpeedLevel' accordingly.
    -- When 'ECC.currentSpeedLevel' is changed, only then call 'self:setCruiseControlMaxSpeed()', as there should *not* be any need to do it continuously at every call to the 'update()' function.

    And lastly: Remember to specify a <l10n><text name="..."> element for every <inputBindings><input name="..." > element.

    1 replies
