Spreadsheets for calculating of realistic seed and harvest quantities and for defining the field status. 1. Spreadsheets for calculating of realistic seed and harvest quantities (Sheet: Ertrag) The data of the spreadsheet is investigated by myself. This data varies significant in various regions and countries. Usually the yield is given in tons per hectare. With this table you are able to compute tons per hectare to liter per squaremeter. Therefore you compute from t/ha to kg/ha. Then you add the bulk density which is usually given in kg/l. So now you can calculate to l/m². this is the value that could be used directly in LS15. For example with the yield-mod. The greencolored fields are fields to fill in your numbers. The redcolored are formulafields and the yellow ones give the results. so you can choose which numbers you would like to use and expand the table as you like. 2. Spreadsheet for defining the field status (Sheet: Feldstatus) this is an analog table which was used for twoRivers but can be adapted for every other map just by changing the fieldsizes. In my case the fields 4,14,24 are greenland, this is the reason why the fields are gray. The numbers in the "Wiesen" line give the number of mowing processes. I usually mow the field twice before i harvest. PLANNED EXTENSION: linear optimization: Which Field is under the constraints of harvesting costs (distance to depot, timeexpenditure for harvesting) for which sort of fruit the best solution. Which field should be sowed with which plant to get the highest earnings. Just for people who are able to use the Solver-Function in Excel.
19 Jun 22:44Version 1.0
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