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Elmcreek has gone through some hard times losing many of the farming families in town. Now is your chance to grab one of the six farms and make your mark!
This version of Elmcreek has opened up the farms at all four corners of the map, as well as a hidden area perfect for a farm. This along with the original farm in town now gives you and you're friends SIX farms to choose from!
All other parts of the map have been left as unchanged as possible, with all of the collectibles still close to their original spots.
There is only Xul-
26 Nov 06:35Version
26.11 2021
noch nicht genug Stimmen
Do you think this mod should be featured?
26. 11 2021
2 Comments for Elmcreek Multi Farm
Heißt das jetzt, dass die anderen Farmen nur sichtbar sind, wenn man im MP spielt? Ich sehe leider als SP keine Veränderung gegenüber der Originalkarte.
Kannst du mir da bitte mal auf die Sprünge helfen? Danke schon mal.
bisserl Fehler in der LOG:
2021-11-26 19:20 Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_SURFACE_SNOW' was not found in sound.surface.material(8)
2021-11-26 19:20 Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(8)'. Ignoring it!
2021-11-26 19:20 Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_SURFACE_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(10)
2021-11-26 19:20 Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(10)'. Ignoring it!
2021-11-26 19:20 Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_FOOTSTEP_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(22)
2021-11-26 19:20 Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(22)'. Ignoring it!
2021-11-26 19:20 Error: Sound template 'DEFAULT_HOOFSTEP_WATER_MEDIUM' was not found in sound.surface.material(33)
2021-11-26 19:20 Warning: Filename not defined in 'sound.surface.material(33)'. Ignoring it!
2021-11-26 19:21 data/foliage/stone/stone.i3d (105.26 ms)
2021-11-26 19:21 Error: Collectible with name 'tractorRed' is unknown.