Dream Farm

V 1.7 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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this is my first map been working on it for quite some time, and have decided to release it  to see what everyone thinks, clean log , with central BGA, all sell points, cows and sheep. plus a a feed storage, so far in all tests everything works as it should, and log is clean.


the map has a centralized howm farm with silos, feedmill potato and beet storage, cows and sheep all on site, 


sheep also hae a wool pallet collector so that you do not need to stand close by to unload a wool pallet everytime one comes up, it will hold up to 9 pallets of wool before needing emptied


the farm has one large barn with working doors


bga is close by main farm as well as farm shop and vehicle store


you will start out with basic equipment, and own no fields, however there is some harvesting to do that should get you set to buy your own field, and start growing your farm.


the map is standard size, with 53 fields, the smallest field being .5HA with the largest going up to almost 25HA, most of the fields are designed so that you can buy the smaller fields and later on when you own them you can join them to make 1 larger field in that area.






>feed storage

>loading bay, for your tractors to drive down into to make it easier to load with front loader

>fruit storage around the map so that you do not have to haul everything to main farm for storage

>cow pasture and sheep at main farm

>vehicle, and bga near by

> small and large fields, and many fields that can be combined to make larger fields

>wool pallette collector

>manure sell point at farm store




v 1.6 




v 1.7


   >fixed some issue with roads

   > fixed some objects that were not placed properly

   > added brewery

   > added country store

   > added some trees

   > added gauges to silos that will show amount in  storage

   > added some other farm storage sheds around area.

   > added a couple more gas stations near farm buildings


credits for mods go out to the people below, if you see your mod in this map and are not mentioned in the credits and would like to be just send me a PM and i will add you in. 


mixstation, is from ogf USA map by bernie cs i added it awhile back and sent for permission to use, and have not recieved any responce as of yet for a yes or no, so for now i will leave it in but may be removed in later versions if i am told no. i like the looks of it from the standard mixstation out there it is very nicely put together, and funstions as it should.


silos : big silo TLSF by chtiseb @ modhoster

        harvest storage 2.0 by Der_Nik @ modhoster


feed store v2 from getsome2030 @ modhoster


barn from [CF]_iEagleEye@ modhoster


central vga 2.0 from getsome2030 @ modhoster



please enjoy this map, and offer feedback to things you would like to see in or out of the map.


planned for later versions


>the basics of the map is finished from this point on will mainly be adding in decorations trees/bushes things like this

>more "new" sell points

>multi fruit (when i figure out how it is done)

> start locations for vehicles at the moment they are at the currect default position which is technically in the edge of field 2, i tried several times to adjust this and some vehicles would go where i wanted them others would seem to be in random spots i am currently trying to sort this out and will update the map when i get it sorted.


anyone can feel free to edit this map and repost i ask only that you notify me when you do, and that you only post to modhoster site. thanks and enjoy



mods by other modders used within this map, if you see one of your mods in here and would like to be listed in the credits please contact me. i may have missed you

mixstation, is from ogf USA map by bernie cs i added it awhile back and sent for permission to use, and have not recieved any responce as of yet for a yes or no, so for now i will leave it in but may be removed in later versions if i am told no. i like the looks of it from the standard mixstation out there it is very nicely put together, and funstions as it should.

silos : big silo TLSF by chtiseb @ modhoster
harvest storage 2.0 by Der_Nik @ modhoster

feed store v2 from getsome2030 @ modhoster

barn from [CF]_iEagleEye@ modhoster

central vga 2.0 from getsome2030 @ modhoster

  • 08 Jun 09:31
    Version 1.7

    this is my first map been working on it for quite some time, and have decided to release it to see what everyone thinks, clean log , with central BGA, all sell points, cows and sheep. plus a a feed storage, so far in all tests everything works as it should, and log is clean.

    the map has a centralized howm farm with silos, feedmill potato and beet storage, cows and sheep all on site,

    sheep also hae a wool pallet collector so that you do not need to stand close by to unload a wool pallet everytime one comes up, it will hold up to 9 pallets of wool before needing emptied

    the farm has one large barn with working doors

    bga is close by main farm as well as farm shop and vehicle store

    you will start out with basic equipment, and own no fields, however there is some harvesting to do that should get you set to buy your own field, and start growing your farm.

    the map is standard size, with 53 fields, the smallest field being .5HA with the largest going up to almost 25HA, most of the fields are designed so that you can buy the smaller fields and later on when you own them you can join them to make 1 larger field in that area.


    >feed storage
    >loading bay, for your tractors to drive down into to make it easier to load with front loader
    >fruit storage around the map so that you do not have to haul everything to main farm for storage
    >cow pasture and sheep at main farm
    >vehicle, and bga near by
    > small and large fields, and many fields that can be combined to make larger fields
    >wool pallette collector
    >manure sell point at farm store


    v 1.6


    v 1.7

    >fixed some issue with roads
    > fixed some objects that were not placed properly
    > added brewery
    > added country store
    > added some trees
    > added gauges to silos that will show amount in storage
    > added some other farm storage sheds around area.
    > added a couple more gas stations near farm buildings

    credits for mods go out to the people below, if you see your mod in this map and are not mentioned in the credits and would like to be just send me a PM and i will add you in.

    mixstation, is from ogf USA map by bernie cs i added it awhile back and sent for permission to use, and have not recieved any responce as of yet for a yes or no, so for now i will leave it in but may be removed in later versions if i am told no. i like the looks of it from the standard mixstation out there it is very nicely put together, and funstions as it should.

    silos : big silo TLSF by chtiseb @ modhoster
    harvest storage 2.0 by Der_Nik @ modhoster

    feed store v2 from getsome2030 @ modhoster

    barn from [CF]_iEagleEye@ modhoster

    central vga 2.0 from getsome2030 @ modhoster

    please enjoy this map, and offer feedback to things you would like to see in or out of the map.

    planned for later versions

    >the basics of the map is finished from this point on will mainly be adding in decorations trees/bushes things like this
    >more "new" sell points
    >multi fruit (when i figure out how it is done)
    > start locations for vehicles at the moment they are at the currect default position which is technically in the edge of field 2, i tried several times to adjust this and some vehicles would go where i wanted them others would seem to be in random spots i am currently trying to sort this out and will update the map when i get it sorted.

    anyone can feel free to edit this map and repost i ask only that you notify me when you do, and that you only post to modhoster site. thanks and enjoy

  • 01 Jun 08:03
    Version 1.6 beta


checksum: 7e3919d0d68e5bca7ffb360bcfb99a53
Version: 1.7
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: looseterror/TwistedGA
price in shop: 100000 LS
name in shop: Morton 100x200
description in shop: Morton designed this building with BIG in mind, a large foot print.
This barn is 100Ft. by 200Ft. It has a shop in the front bay.
A middle bay to store equipment, and a rear bay for three loaded semis.
The roller doors make it well insulated and energy effecient. If you have alot
of equipment worth lots of money this barn will help you protect your

NOTE: This barn includes working doors and lights

01.06 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.1 / 10 Votes


nach 13 Stimmen

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V 1.7
Farming Simulator 2013
231 MB 2228
08. 06 2014 2,228
V 1.6 beta
Farming Simulator 2013
222 MB 788
01. 06 2014 788

1 Comments for Dream Farm

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  1. wanting to hear from the comunity, what is there you think i could do to make map better?
