Deutz DX 90 with front loader

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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WARNING THERE IS PATCH 2.0 OR HIGHER REQUIRED ! Patch 2.0 PUBLIC BETA 3, click here : dear community , we hereby present to you the official V2 of Deutz DX 90 from the year 1980 to Verfügung.Voraus we would like very warm with model Eicher ( ) and fruktor and Bullet ( both ) for the shares bedanken.Das basic model of the DX comes from alex27 and Schlüterfan in 1977 and was launched by Eicher model LS13 and gefixt.Der the built- in loader comes originally from Bullets Fendt Favorit 611 LSA.Die texture of the front loader was ffw maximum of Revision and a Stoll loader geskinnt.Danke to pfreek for the license plates from his kit . I would also like to thank a user that he has given me assistance with problems and my job is a little easier ;) Credits: model DX : alex27 , Schlüterfan1977 and model Eicher conversion to Deutz Dx 90 area : Deutz1997Textur : Deutz1997 , ffwmaxiIngame : Deutz1997 , model Eicher script : model eicher ( realExhaustParticleSystemV3 , RadsturzV2 , zylinderV2 , all-wheel shaft animation fixtures, hydraulicAnimations , visibilityByAttachedObject ) Sven777b ( BelV31 , toggleAnimatedParts ) myth (extra weights ) model FL : Bullet texture: Bullet ffwmaxiIngame , : fruktor , Deutz1997Script : fruktor ( Fendt611.Lua )
In V2 the following were fixed: - Lua error, which to game crashes resulted physics errors that occurred when the loader was - The moves hidden tires of the tractor was adjusted to the original size (1:1) , so therefore he fit the height . - Missing disk at the air filter Ackerschiene now has a new texture ( AO) - scheme fixed features: - doors and windows open front weights activated - fully animated front axle and four-wheel drive shaft - fully animated rear hydraulic realistic exhaust smoke - working light and Belechtungsscript V3 - realistic camber FULLY animated loader animated with animated tubes - [ NEW] Fittings (speedometer , Temeraturanzeige , fuel gauge, clock ) Now a few words about original : the DX 90 is from the first generation of DX - series and was still with the brand name Deutz sold . In 1982, he was was ausgetauscht.Er by the DX 92 from 1978 to 1982 produziert.Mit its compact dimensions of 4340mm x 2350mm x 2600mm (length x width x height) and its 88 Ps he is a suitable tractor for smaller farms and all farm - and Feldarbeiten.Eine special feature of this model is the engine : KHD - Deutz Type: F5L 912, air -cooled - five - cylinder four - stroke diesel engine with direct injection, four-hole die , swirl injection nozzle , piston cooling , thermostatically controlled cooling fan , self cleaning Zylonvorabscheider and electrical Filterkontrolle.Die speed is 30 KM / h.Häufig asked questions : - Why can not I buy the Deutz -game ? --- > Patch 2.0 must be present. The patch can be found here : / updates.php patch_2_0 = true Can you make the tractor for patch 1.4 ? ---> No, you can not bring back to mods of patch 2.0 patch 1.4 - . Which is the map in the background on your pictures? ---> This is the torrent valley Rebuilt V2, which is still under construction and is private - . Can you ever build a Deutz XY ? ---> No, we decide what we build werden.Das change and re-uploading is strictly prohibited , failure to follow we are Forced to legal action einzuleiten.Schaut times over on Facebook: fun and joy with the Deutz want euchDeutz1997 & ffwmaxi


Modell DX: Alex27, Schlüterfan1977 und Modelleicher

Umbau zum Deutz Dx 90 Fl : Deutz1997

Textur: Deutz1997, ffwmaxi

Ingame: Deutz1997, Modelleicher


modelleicher (realExhaustParticleSystemV3, RadsturzV2, zylinderV2, AllradwellenAnimation,Amaturen,hydraulicAnimations, visibilityByAttachedObject)

Sven777b(BelV31, toggleAnimatedParts)


Modell FL: Bullet

Textur: Bullet, ffwmaxi

Ingame: fruktor,Deutz1997

Script: fruktor(Fendt611.Lua)

  • 29 Aug 20:11
    Version 2.0


checksum: 2b7c4dd8595a08f3487c771d81027e79
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Deutz1997, Modelleicher, Bullet, fruktor
price in shop: 13500 LS
name in shop: Deutz DX 90
description in shop: Dieser Deutz Dx 90 stammt aus der ersten Generation der Dx Traktoren und wurde im Jahre 1980 produziert.

Zusätzlich wurde ein Frontlader der Firma Stoll verbaut.
Somit ist er ein geeigneter Schlepper zur Verrichtung von sämtlichen Arbeiten auf dem Ho

29.08 2013
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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2013
20 MB 30504
29. 08 2013 30,504