Welcome to an idyllic setting: Deister Country
The Great but not quite used 4x Map provides plenty of space for farming and explore.
Endvertex the diversities of the Map. The map includes many details to use and stow.
On this map, there are many fields and a large forest of Deister with Saupark and Wisentgehege.
The Deister is a large forest plus a mountain in the map and in the Realife.In Map There is a
Alvesrode village and a small town Eldachsen the metropolis is to which these two communities
not on it, because this map has been created using Google Maps entwikelt .For this map is
to an almost original position after around Springe (the city) .The village Völksen is then in v2.0
On the farm itself offers plenty of room to park on things and turn off .The launch vehicles
Start also accessible gehalten.Auf the yard there is a grain location with silos where the T4 to
Were placed starting ist.Dies is as your storage silo angesehen.Zudem there are also further away
a bearing which is the same as at the court, only there you can under the pipe in the barn fahren.Dies
is for people who do not want to load at the court with the front loader on.
Am Hof ??are also glechzeitg the whole animal accommodations for cows, sheep and chickens.
!! ATTENTION !!! Since my map the NevMesh ie there where the animals walk must not funktoniert
I got there a few DekoTiere hingestellt.Ihr can not normally feed the animals
and bewirtschafen it's just that you do not see the animals but they are that there
the animals are just invisible. !! WARNING !!
!! IMPORTANT !! Corn for the cows from the BGA picked and purely tilted (also adjacent to the courtyard)
In the forest (in Saupark) Is there a meadow or workshop where you can sell wood (for professionals.:
to the trigger of wood pond Standartmap was used.) You just have the wood on
lay the lawn and it is sold automatically.
On Wisentgehege there some kind of nursery, where you can buy tree seedlings for Pflanzmaschiene.
The Wisentgehege is a large wildlife park, as well as in real.
There are plenty of possible ties to the harvest to verkaufen.Es are in Eldachsen a Agravisgenossenschaft,
At the station would still ne way, then for sugar a sugar factory and for the potatoes
Nordlieferservis.Dann give it even the Biomasseheizkarftwerk.Der dealer is away from Eldachsen.Wolle
you can sell at NP and eggs also quite many corners in the Map
In this map there is something special: The fields there are huge "4Fachmap fields" and normal fields
ie This map contains not more on a 4Fachmap games and for people not fun for people
sogerne on riesiegen fields Ackern.Auf this map there is enough Normal Large fields and giant fields.
The map provides plenty of room for small and Großbauern.EbenFalls there are genung meadows
is to manage your cows.
In the map, there are:
- 1 main courtyard with cows, chickens and sheep
- 2 silo storage on the farm and further away
- 1 side (decode) Hof
- 2 towns Alvesrode (there is the courtyard) and Eldachsen
- 69 Fields and meadows 10
- 2 Large forests Deister and Saupark
- 1 Wildpark (Wisentgehege) while a Gärt Errei
- A wooden lawn wood Sell
- 1 4 BGA silos and slurry storage on the roadside
- 1 station for grain and timber sale
- 1 Agravis Cooperative
- 1 Nordzucker factory with Nordlieferservis
- 1 biomass cogeneration plant for wood chips
- 1 dairy
- 1 machine dealer in Eldachsen
- 1 next to manure storage at the field in Eldachsen to turn on and fill
- 1 church and fun Checkout
- 1 NP for wool sale
- 1 Outdoor pool
- 4 Graßverkauf Station
- 1 Straw Sale Barn
- 4 eggs stalls
Mods that you need for the map / needs !!
Download Link:
Mods you could use:
As I said this is a 4Fachmap.Ich have taken a 4Fachmap because I did not know at the beginning how great
the map is to be and I thought that the Standartmap zuklein wär.Aber now hats passed and I had indeed
Remove not the entire map.
I thank my friends who supported me when mapping and with more ideas
have brought into the map otherwise have only mapped I alone
Have fun with the MAP
Ich habe diesen Mod ganz allein gemacht und erstellt-
27 Oct 17:57Version 1.1
Dies ist nur eine Version wo Bugs und Details verbessert wurden (kein weiteres Dorf und so) es gibt nur eine grosse Neuheit
- Goldmünzen mit Brunnen (grosse Neuheit)
-kleinere Datei
-kleine Details verbessert
-mehr Gras an manchen stellen
-Eldagsen richtig geschrieben
-Schilder aufgerichtet
-Bäume mit Bugs etc. entferntIhr benögtigt LEIDER einen NEUEN Spielstand
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