D754 Truck Pack

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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D-754 Truck Pack Convert by ChaosDad1418

The D-754 Truck Pack converted by ChaosDad1418

D-754 truck, BP-9, HTS-80, FMSZ-2KT, T 088CS, PUT-7, Horsch Seed Tender, Horsch Shuttle, Bredal K105
SP4, Kuhn Knight RA 142 PF, TTS, Platform

--> Converting LS19 to LS22
--> Lights brought to LS22 standard.
--> Fertilizer, lime effects brought to LS22 standard.

--> This mod is 100% MP POSSIBLE!!!

more to come with updates...

The mod has been tested!!!
LOG complete INCREDIBLE !!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my Discord server:
Server: -----> https://discord.gg/9PHtvF3pn4

Should you discover errors or the like on my Discord server there is a BUG REPORT text channel
for which you do not need rights on the Discord!

Please appreciate my work and use the original download links if you download the files on other
you want to offer platforms.
Please also include my name in the credits.

If you should still have wishes I will do my best to implement them ;)
Please write me your wishes or suggestions for improvement via private message!


Aaa Modding ChaosDad1418

  • 30 Jan 12:34


30.01 2022
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Farming Simulator 22
97.2 MB 729
30. 01 2022 729

1 Comments for D754 Truck Pack

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  1. fedrajoschi 07. 02 2022

    Hi also hab den D745 angezockt und finde ihn sehr intressant !
    Ich hätte da nur die Frage ob du an LKW noch Kennzeichen drauf machst und einen Anhänger für das AR-System und ev noch Anhänger für die Sattelplatte hinzugügen könntest wäre das ein perfektes Allzweckfahrzeug ! Hoffe auf Updates für die Maschine !
    LG Tommi8
