Cows are placed on the map.
Package includes black and brown cows, which can be set on the map. These cows adapt to the terrain, which can be set on the slopes. An additional advantage of the cows is that they can move to the images shown.
Author seba j
Cows to be set on the map.
Package includes black and brown cows did können set on the map. These cows adapt to the terrain Which can be set on the hillsides. An additional advantage of the cows is thatthey can move as shown on the pictures.
Author seba j
Krowy do ustawienia na mapie.
Paczka zawiera krowy czarne i br?zowe które mozna ustawiac na mapie. Krowy te they do dostosowuja terenu czyli mozna per ustawiac na terenach pochylych. Dodatkowa zaleta krow jest I mo?liwo?? przemieszczania tak jak na pokaza?em zdjeciach.
Author seba j
Modell: seba j
Textur: seba j
Idee / Konzept: seba j
Tester: seba j
03 Sep 16:44Version 1.0
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
by seba j
ago over 8 years
1 Comments for COW
masterpiece thanks good job