featuredHere's the Claas Lexion 580 and Lexion 600.
Claas Lexion 580/600:
- all Features of the standard Vehicles
- toggleable cameras
- Strawheaps
- Dirt on the wheels (as a 3D-object)
- Usage (Depending on speed, harvested crop and workwidth)
- toggleable manual unloading
- Choppingwidth can be adjusted
- Contains a TerraTrac and a wheel version of the combines
- threshing while it's raining (with loss in yield)
- Check current loss of yield (left next to cabine)
- animated Joystick
- transport position for chopper
max Speed:
- 20 Km/h (Lexion 580)
- 30 Km/h (Lexion 600)
Fill Volume:
- 10500 l (Lexion 580)
- 12000 l (Lexion 600)
Claas Vario 660/750/900/1050/1200:
- all Features of the standard Vehicles
- Strawheaps
- toggleable cameras on both sides for the combines
- animated cutters
- 6,60m (Vario 660)
- 7,50m (Vario 750)
- 9.00m (Vario 900)
- 10,5m (Vario 1050)
- 12,0m (Vario 1200)
Capello Quasar R8:
- all Features of the standard Vehicles
- Strawheaps
- Workwidth: 8 Rows
Claas Conspeed 6-75/8-75:
- all Features of the standard-Giants Vehicles
- Strawheaps
- transport protections
- 6 Reihen (Conspeed 6-75)
- 8 Reihen (Conspeed 8-75)
Thüringer Agrar Leguan 32/All 3 claas cutter trailers
- all Features of the standard-Giants Vehicles
- Attacher for cutters
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Thanks to everyone who helped to create this pack.
And a extrem big Thank you to all of the testers who helped to fix a ton of the bugs. Also a big thanks to everyone who uses the original uploaded Link or sends me a bit through paypal.
It's permitted to offer the mod for download on other pages as long as the original download link is used. If you want to use it in a Pack, PM me. If you want to use any parts of this mod, you have to ask for permission first.
Stehbeni, Shangri66, Michi77, Knagsted, rafftnix, RivalBomb, Fruktor, Siwus
24 Jul 21:56Version 1.6
- Drescher hängt nach dem Kaufen nicht in der Luft
- Kornprobe lässt sich nun auch am Dedicated Server schließen
- Kornprobe funktioniert nun auch mit anderen Früchten (multifruit)
- Bilder der Fahrzeuge in dem Fenster der Kornprobe werden richtig dargestellt (Problem mit Sonderzeichen im Pfad)
- Freeze beim Dedicated Server wenn ein 2. Spieler joinen will (oder einer rejoined)
- achievements.xml verschoben um Fehler am Dedicated Server zu vermeiden
- entfernt
- andere Bugfixes -
10 Jul 20:10Version 1.5
- Überarbeitete Textur
- Kleine Modelländerungen
- Neuer Button um Kameras um 180° zu drehen (manche hatten hier Probleme)
- Dreschen während Regen möglich
- Ernteverlust während und einige Zeit nach Regen
- Kornprobe entnehmen um aktuellen Verlust festzustellen (neben Kabine)
- Particle beim Entfernen der „Strohhaufen“
- Joystick animiert
- Transportposition für Häcksler
- Neu: V660, V750, V1200
- Messer animiert
- Particle beim Entfernen der „Strohhaufen“
- Neu: Conspeed 6-75, Conspeed 8-75
- Particle beim Entfernen der „Strohhaufen“
- Conspeeds: Transportschutz muss entfernt werden, bevor klappen möglich
- Neu: 3 Claas Schneidwerkswagen für 7,5m, 10,5m und 12m
- Attacher überarbeitet: Abkuppeln von SWW unabhängig von Schneidwerk nun
möglich -
31 Dec 16:24Version 1.0
by Miichi77
ago over 8 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years
by tv724
ago over 8 years
by Fendt_409
ago about 9 years
by FlorianRusse
ago about 9 years
by Oisterproper
ago about 9 years
by Miichi77
ago about 9 years -
by MC v8ewSon8c
ago about 9 years -
by Vanquish081
ago over 8 years -
by DasWolfsrudelLP
ago over 8 years -
by NussFeuer LP
ago about 9 years -
by Karvon
ago about 9 years -
by darkbrink21
ago about 9 years -
by DaGoasseLP
ago about 9 years -
by Exit LP
ago about 9 years -
by 2Franz
ago about 9 years
checksum: | 2a40195341da651845448e65a6b4629c |
Version: | 1.6 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Michi77 |
price in shop: | 270000 LS |
name in shop: | Claas Lexion 580 |
description in shop: |
3 Comments for Claas Lexion 580/600
Hi, great mod. One question. On the HUD using the left Alt I see Current Chopper Width but cannot see the numbers as they are hidden off the right side of screen. Is there a way to move the HUD left a bit?
Very nice mod although the camera's are upside down and i'm not a fan of the spreader particle animations. Keep it up look forward to more updates!