I present to you another model, this time my flower beds surround for use as a filler landscape. The model consists of four small flower beds, a palisade and 3 larger. Together 7modeli including 5 models is the flower arrangement and the two models are empty, if someone has a different composition to do or wrap patch tree wanted.
These models are installed with GE version 5.03 and higher.
These models can be on other forums, provided that the entire original post and the link to download. Prohibition of adding your own links to downloads.
By seba j
Przedstawiam Wam kolejny moj model tym razem grzadki Kwiatowe do stosowania jako element wypelniaj? Krajobraz cy. Model sklada si? z 4 malych grzadek otoczonych palisada oraz z 3 wiekszych. Razem 7modeli w tym jest 5 modeli z kompozycja Kwiatowa a 2 s modele? blow jakby KTOS chcial sobie zrobiæ inna kompozycje lub otoczyc drzewo grzadka.
Modele te instaluje si? za POMOCA GE wersja 5:03 i nowsze.
Modele te mozna wynosic na held fora pod warunkiem zachowania ca? Ego oryginalnego postu i Linku do pobrania. Zakaz dopisywania wlasnych Linkow pobran.
Author seba j
seba j-
24 May 11:20Version 2.0
17 May 19:00Version 1.0
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