Bassumer country

V 6.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hello Modhostergemeinde,

here now released version 5.3 of my Bassumer Country Map. From this version you can again grow sunflower harvest, and sell. Similarly, again the green wheat held enter. This can be chopped and then either brought to the BGA or be fed to the animals. To harvest the sunflower and chop the green wheat, I've created a modpack for you. Since everything is in it what you need. Likewise, a few bug fixes that have been reported to me kindly.

Here is the link to the modpack:

For the sunflowers and of green wheat sow is no extra Sähmaschine needed. With the standard LS2013 Maissähmaschine (Amazone EDX 6000) you can sow sunflower and can with each planter which can also sow their wheat also saw the green wheat.

What was done in V5.3:

- Sunflower integrated

- Green wheat integrated

- It can be unloaded at the main court in the barn and bales sold so

- The copses away in the main courtyard. Therefore strapped a small pond, to get what you can water.

- Water extraction trigger on the big lake added when contractors

- 2D trees replaced around the main courtyard with 3D trees

- Tank trigger replaced

- Allen outlets added sunflower

- Revised textures of the trees, since some users had black trees. Should thus be solved

- The helper assigned to a finer angular distribution. Thus moves not only the helper 90 ° and 45 ° and can be positioned easily.


For the next version is planned that the dung and liquid manure on the fields becomes visible again, the PDA Anpssung script for better representation of the fruits and a first economic cycle should work then.






You start the game include the fields around the main courtyard. Likewise, all pastures are processed directly, without having to buy them.


So play hard and if you find errors, then please send me a PM with the error description. I try to find a solution and to change in the next version.



What was done in V5.2:


- Sinking to the mill solved


- Some Abladetrigger set slightly higher


- Adjusted all prices and Feldgößen field.


Away River -


- Railway line laid


Built station -


- Old replaced by Raiffeisen Raiffeisen the original map (I find the beautiful)


- All areas of grass yet or strapped, as there were problems with mowing


Wheat from Larnaka-texture among the fields -. If your grass now sows, then the soil is also green


- From some of the trees removed Collis


- Make customized overlapping field purchase trigger

- Static windmills away.

What was done in version 5.1 everything?


- Adaptation of the ground textures to the new features


- Cow pasture changed


Added sheep pasture -


- Chicken added


Replaced by LS2013 mill building -


Replaced by LS2013 power plant building -


- Some fields changed


- Box purchase added


- Eggs for sale at LIDL added


Added wool sale at LIDL -


- New dealer installed


ATM installed at the dealer -




I hope I have not forgotten anything. So gamble, have fun and I'm looking forward to many of you'S PN.


This mod is available exclusive at, and can be sold on any other forum for download. There are no approvals for changes of any kind!


Licenza Creative Commons


Fatian - Strassenpack
Modelleicher Sripte
Marhu - Futtermischwerk
LS-2013 Modding - Schweinestall
Marhu - Mist/Gülle Mod

  • 02 May 15:02
    Version 6.0

    - Schweinestall hinzugefügt
    - Futterlager hinzugefügt
    - Futtermischwerk am Billinger hinzugefügt
    (Aus Gerste Weizen und Mais wird Mischfutter)
    - Wachstumsstufen bei Spielbeginn geändert
    - Neues Feld beim Spielstart im Besitz
    - Mist/Gülle Mod hinzugefügt

  • 16 Feb 05:55
    Version 5.3 OHNE VERDORREN


checksum: 9e5052f43fd01cd2a4f5e724528b20d7
Version: 6.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Sirrobin
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Bassumer Land V6 ohne verdorren
description in shop: by Sirrobin

16.02 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.46 / 112 Votes


nach 95 Stimmen

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V 6.0
Farming Simulator 2013
179 MB 6912
02. 05 2014 6,912
Farming Simulator 2013
127 MB 16584
16. 02 2013 16,584

3 Comments for Bassumer country

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  1. Findus0019 09. 05 2014

    This map is AWESOME!! Its really big, and you start with some fine machines so you can choose to start with cows or etc. Pigs is also available if you want that to.

    10/10 surely

    TRY it out :)

  2. J Willy 02. 05 2014

    Need a link to the mod for digital readouts. Cool map :)

  3. plantag 16. 02 2013

    Hi, die Map ist klasse, aber bei mir gibts etwas texture-fehler. z.B. die meisten Oberfläche in der Mitte ist glänzend. Wenn ich ein Objekt hinzufüge, die texturen werden nur weiss.
