featuredFirst of all: These mods are for those who miss the devices from Amazon and will work with you / want to play, because there are these devices. The mods do not correspond 100% to the LS17 standard.
I myself prefer it if there is a wide variety of different devices of the same type in the game. Be it only different brands, or different sizes. Therefore, I have converted the "missing" devices of the brand from the Amazon LS15 in the LS17 and combined into one Amazone fertilizer / sprayer Modpack.
What is included?
Amazone UF 1801 24m syringe
Amazone ZA-M 1501 Mineral spreaders 26m
Amazone ZG-B 8200, 26m Trailed fertilizer spreader
What has been done?
- installed LS17 Lights
- i3D converted to the new format
- Store description corresponds to the state of LS15
- default_cube and rough_cube instead of cubemap and cubemapRough installed
- converted particle systems from the LS15 and adapted with the textures of the LS17
- ZG-B 8200: Wheels selectable when buying between standard, wide tires and Pflegebereifung
All units are helpers Suitable and can you check them on missions.
The only negative is the Orange that the LS17 strong was executed. Since I am not so good in the texturing, the slightly paler textures of LS15 nor built. Who cares is invited to adapt the textures and publish the Modpack with custom textures ;-)
Modell: GIANTS Software
Textur: GIANTS Software, Stemse
Script: GIANTS Software
Idee / Konzept: GIANTS Software, amhh
Tester: amhh
11 Nov 17:55Version
ZG-B 8200 hängt jetzt nicht mehr unterhalb der Zapfwelle an
ZG-B 8200 does not attache under the pto anymore -
11 Nov 10:37Version 2.0 neues Orange
= Deutsch =
In allen drei Maschinen wurde eine Designauswahl eingebaut, bei der zwischen den neuen kräftigen Farben und den alten blassen Farben gewählt werden kann. Standard sind hierbei die neuen Texturen von Stemse.Weiters kann jetzt beim ZA-M 1501 die Plane ausgeblendet werden, um den Düngerstreuer manuell zu beladen. Hierzu wurde das fillVolume vom Bredal F2WS 4000 verwendet. Das passt nicht zu 100%, aber für diejenigen die's brauchen, dürfte es reichen.
Es wurden neue Shopbilder nach Vorbild des LS17 erstellt.
= English =
- New textures by Stemse
- Choose your Design when buying (default are the new textures)
- ZA-M 1501: open the plane to load fertilizer, fillVolume is not 100% perfect but for those who need it
- New store pictures -
27 Oct 14:12Version 1.0 altes Orange
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
by amhh
ago over 8 years
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