Amazone Condor 6000

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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The drill Amazone Condor 6000th


This drill has 6 m wide and is attached to the 3-point linkage.


This model is a pure fantasy model, conjoining of original Giants-parts. (Here: Amazone EDX 6000 and Amazone Condor 15,001th

I built this drill, because there are no decent drills model with 6m working width and with three point suspension. (6m otherwise only Nachlaeuferversion.)

The mod is fully functional, with working track outliers, hinged, so it can be wheat, canola, barley and grass are being drilled. The mod still works also error free and log on target.


Have fun with it.


Dies ist mein eigener Mod, zusammengestellt aus original- Giants- teilen. Es wurden von mir keine Fremdteile von anderen Moddern verbaut.

  • 13 Mar 14:20
    Version 1.0


checksum: f7d99f5c78fbb880e7962ab5b1085420
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
price in shop: LS
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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
5.97 MB 21232
13. 03 2013 21,232

1 Comments for Amazone Condor 6000

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  1. SicFR57 14. 03 2013

    Den Frontpacker felt!!! Wir brauchen das!!! Lass uns wissen wenn die Freigaben hat!

    Danke für die Drille!

    Sorry für mein Deutsch!
