Here she is at last, by the Agricultural Map L4Icce
- There are two courtyards. A smaller yard and a poured - Functioning market, milk truck traveling and going villagers - Original cow pasture - Beautiful rolling hills - Lots of green and arable land, the harvest frost and are already partially sprayed - Much forest - BGA, in which they can unload chopped corn and grass. Silos are made of flex Forst Map - The farms have their own silos in which they can unload chopped corn and grass. Silos of HeadshotXXL - Embellished village - MP ready
A big thank you to:
- Agrotron 610 of my settings for the milk truck has made (SHN Modding) - Mr. R for the biogas plant from its Flex Forst Map (by Heady, silos by MF 390) - Mr. F for the "sähbaren" trees - Mr. F for the textures from the Flex Forst Map - Use for permission to Jimkerk MapBGASiloGras and MapBGASiloChaff (idea + implementation by Jimkerk) - Were installed at all the mud buildings in the map - Those who have always given me advice that I could improve - My tester: Berndi09, Fendt211 (MR), Andy W (MR), Meyer99 (MR) and _Niki_ (MR)
Required files:
Agricultural_Map ----------( located in the folder mods) MAPBGA --------------------- DL: [MP] biogas plant v1.3 MapBGASilo ----------------- DL: [MP] BGA silos v1.4 MapBGASiloChaff ----------( located in the folder mods) MapBGASiloGras -----------( located in the folder mods)
It is also important not to Siloschaufel V1.1 (DL: [MP] Siloschaufel v1.1), as you can with this shovel corn and grass taken from the silos and can unlearn the feed trough and the barn.
Unfortunately the map caused a few "PhysX warning: Static actor moved" warnings, which I unfortunately do not get away. But there are still more versions of the map to follow, in which the errors are removed then hopefully.
For more information, I would ask you to read the readme, which is located in the ZIP Agricultural_Map.
5 Comments for Agricultural Map
das ist die beste map die ich je gespielt habe
großes lob an die modder
wo kan man dei den kuschtall die gülle appumpen bite um antwurt per pN
hammer map lob an die modder.
also ich find die map eewig geil!;D
das ist die neue mab