agricultural conditioners

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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I hereby present to you the agricultural conditioners for Farming Simulator, 2015. The mod was created in cooperation of several team members of the South Tyrol Modding teams. Thanks go there on the modeler Sandro. Was brought in-game mod of Alpine modding and the finishing touch was the mod from me.


Agricultural conditioners Services:


  • Working width: 2.00m
  • Price in Game 2100 €

Warning: at the rear connection possible!


I wish a lot of fun with the mod.


Sincerely from South Tyrol, South Tyrolean farmer.

Visit me but on the website of the South Tyrol Modding and give a thumbs up to me:


Modell: Sandro
Textur: Südtirolerbauer
Script: Alpenmodding
Idee / Konzept: Sandro
Tester: Südtirol Modding 
Sonstige: Südtirol Modding

  • 21 Sep 11:02
    Version 1.0


checksum: 91aafb295ee12181d5b5c0c5759c0095
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Suedtirol Modding: LS-15 zocker, Alexandra Caderas, Suedtirolerbauer
price in shop: 2100 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

21.09 2016
Modhoster user rating
3.6 / 5 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
17.3 MB 2642
21. 09 2016 2,642

1 Comments for agricultural conditioners

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  1. simili2000 22. 09 2016

    das ist ein super mod
