Information about the 6R
Price: € 228,000
Max PS: 230/250
Max. Speed: 53km / h
Beacons configuration
new daytime running lights
new sound
clear grill with color configuration
color selection
Rim color choice with hub
New in V3:
-Decals for the bonnet completely changed
-All smaller motors inserted (from 6110R to 6250R)
-All configurations completely changed to Multiselector instead of the above color palette
- New part inserted on the air filter on the left of the roof, moves with the cabin
-Universal passenger built in
-All raised / lowered everything
- Own weights and front loader added in matching colors
-Tachometer needles changed: Illuminated now
New preview version from here
- License plate completely realistically rebuilt -> 3D letters with color choice or not
- Fixed black needles
- DRLs can be switched on and off via IC -> IC point on the light switch on the dashboard -> Animated light switch
-The steering wheel is now folded up as standard when purchasing
A lot has happened on this device. We hope that the time that has gone into the work has paid off and that you like it ...
And if not, you are not forced to use it ...
Modell: Giants Software, Tim2305, Haubi0105
Textur: Giants Software
Scripts: GTX, [Ifko]nator, Modelleicher
Sounds: lb286, Nastus1
Idee / Konzept: Agrardesign-Team [Tim2305, Agrardesign, The_Bautz, Haubi0105]
Tester: Agrardesign-Team [Tim2305, Agrardesign, The_Bautz, Haubi0105]
Sonstige: TschiZack Gameing, Gamer8250,
02 Feb 18:17Version 3.5
- UniversalPassenger gefixt
- Fenster hinten links per SimpleIC aufmachbar
- Tankdeckel färbt sich mit der Hauptfarbe mit
- Grüne Tachonadelleuchtfarbe hinzugefügt
25 Jan 20:29Version 3.0
0 Comments for [AGDM] John Deere 6R V3