The great thing with this map is that there are no snakes. There in Australia we would have the biggest collection of poisonous snakes in the world. They are one of the main things to watch out for in the bush. I have even had my 4X4 attacked by one. Some are very aggressive. On a further point, road trains in Western Australian have now gone to pulling five tralers.
Anyone know of any forage wagon that supports hay, The ones I have tried can pick up hay, but it turns to grass when you fill them up, and since there is a sellpoint for hay, I could use some equipment to pick it up to ?
The game dos'nt recognise hay, if you putt it in a foragewagon it turns in to grass but when you transfer it in an feedingmixer they will axept it as hay.
Somewhere here there is a modpackage with Krone foragewagons that load hay.
This is a great map, looks Australian with its many details, sounds Aussie too, just the driving on the wrong side of the road (Had a messy encounter with that road train). It gives you many levels of difficulty, every thing works perfectly, no lag.
The perfect map!
Congratulation to the designer TEAMS.
Absolutely great, only thing is a few misspellings here and there.
Don`t know if this is possible in fs13, but traffic on the left side of the road would be really nice :)
Nice texrures and nice layouts, and the fields actually cost money, so you have to WORK for them, hat of to you..again !! :)
Sie müssen nur zu stoppen und einen genaueren Blick; Um BernieSCS und dem FSM Team Sie eine tolle Karte produziert haben, wird es mit so fantastische Detail, dass, wenn etwas ins Auge, wie Sie durch den Antrieb geladen werden.
Die Karte ist gut angelegt und bietet so ziemlich für jeden Stil des Spiels. Besser noch, was ich am meisten schätzen ist, dass Sie es geschafft haben, so viele Details ohne Behinderung Leistung umfassen.
Danke für ein unglaubliches Karte.
P.S. "Old f*rt" ist Slang für Alte Mann, nicht sicher, warum vielleicht alte Männer riechen schlecht :)
Original English text
To BernieSCS and the FSM Team you have produced an awesome map, it is loaded with such fantastic detail that if something catches your eye as you are driving by; you just have to stop and take a closer look.
The map is well laid out and pretty much caters for everyone's style of game play. Better still what I appreciate the most is that you have managed to include so much detail without hindering performance.
Thank you for an incredible map.
P.S. "Old f*rt" is slang for Old man, not sure why maybe old men smell bad:)
I see some comments about the USA comparison to Australia, well sadly I am unable to download the map, but from the excellent pictures, Bernie has as usual, produced a remarkable map, there many pictures that remind me of Australia, of course comparisons with the US is obvious as they are here in Australia in real life. Looking forward to when I can get this map, Thanks Bernie excellent as usual, expected nothing less. Peter
The great thing with this map is that there are no snakes. There in Australia we would have the biggest collection of poisonous snakes in the world. They are one of the main things to watch out for in the bush. I have even had my 4X4 attacked by one. Some are very aggressive. On a further point, road trains in Western Australian have now gone to pulling five tralers.
Anyone know of any forage wagon that supports hay, The ones I have tried can pick up hay, but it turns to grass when you fill them up, and since there is a sellpoint for hay, I could use some equipment to pick it up to ?
Superbe map mais je n'arrive pas a placer de mod en mode "placable"
Great map but I can not put a mod in "placeable" mode
Große Karte, aber ich kann nicht einen mod in "platzierbar" Mode
This is a great map, looks Australian with its many details, sounds Aussie too, just the driving on the wrong side of the road (Had a messy encounter with that road train). It gives you many levels of difficulty, every thing works perfectly, no lag.
The perfect map!
Congratulation to the designer TEAMS.
Absolutely great, only thing is a few misspellings here and there.
Don`t know if this is possible in fs13, but traffic on the left side of the road would be really nice :)
Nice texrures and nice layouts, and the fields actually cost money, so you have to WORK for them, hat of to you..again !! :)
Managed to get the map downloaded at last, not sure how to describe this Map Bernie, I think superb will do it nicely.
Regards Peter
Translation by Google Translate
Sie müssen nur zu stoppen und einen genaueren Blick; Um BernieSCS und dem FSM Team Sie eine tolle Karte produziert haben, wird es mit so fantastische Detail, dass, wenn etwas ins Auge, wie Sie durch den Antrieb geladen werden.
Die Karte ist gut angelegt und bietet so ziemlich für jeden Stil des Spiels. Besser noch, was ich am meisten schätzen ist, dass Sie es geschafft haben, so viele Details ohne Behinderung Leistung umfassen.
Danke für ein unglaubliches Karte.
P.S. "Old f*rt" ist Slang für Alte Mann, nicht sicher, warum vielleicht alte Männer riechen schlecht :)
Original English text
To BernieSCS and the FSM Team you have produced an awesome map, it is loaded with such fantastic detail that if something catches your eye as you are driving by; you just have to stop and take a closer look.
The map is well laid out and pretty much caters for everyone's style of game play. Better still what I appreciate the most is that you have managed to include so much detail without hindering performance.
Thank you for an incredible map.
P.S. "Old f*rt" is slang for Old man, not sure why maybe old men smell bad:)
I see some comments about the USA comparison to Australia, well sadly I am unable to download the map, but from the excellent pictures, Bernie has as usual, produced a remarkable map, there many pictures that remind me of Australia, of course comparisons with the US is obvious as they are here in Australia in real life. Looking forward to when I can get this map, Thanks Bernie excellent as usual, expected nothing less. Peter
WAUW!! allready big fan of USA OGF map. now adding Australia (maybe make 1 pack with both maps)