Wie bringe ich den Cargo-Anhänger wieder in die Ausgangsposition. Mir X kann ich ja nur die Seitenausrichtung verändern, aber ich finde keine Taste für die, quasi Nullstellung....
Question, the previous beast had ings and flew off sometimes. I deleted this mod because it was terrible in use.
How is it with this one? is the problem solved?
Frage. Ist sonst noch jemand das Problem, dass die Räder sehr langsam drehen während das steuern? Nur beim big X, nicht beim mousecontrolled version.
1 replies
unregistered user
24. 05 2013
hast du den manual steering mod (oder wie der auch heißt) drin? also der, dass bei allen fahrzeugen die steuerung nicht automatisch wieder auf geradeaus-stellung geht?
wenn ja, dann lösch den mal...dann sollte es problemlos gehen ;)
what i think also is the front wheels little further to the rear, as there allmost touching the easyflow (specially when using tracs (yes i know. edit the wheels in XML)
When i have more then 1 Beasts on my map as Hired workers for example. and add another Beast and Press M to lift the Cargo. they all up or down depending on current state. (the ones on Hired workers go down,. the ones just bought in shop go up. All beasts Cargo react on pressing Key M from other BigX Vehicle.
Can you make the Press M (also other keys like B and X,O,Z) work only on current selected vehicle? (Thanks. Great Mods 10/10)
Dude!!! this release they going with bad is much worse compared to the first version.
Example: combine speed ESLimiter is a complete disaster, that (I change variable speed in milliseconds fast and slow) believe that the driver has been drinking some alcohol.
Another problem! in aihelper mode when making headland turns from 2.3 turns after that leave a large portion and re-enter the field, it happened to xdisc.
The first version released is much better compared to this version.
Anyway in the game is a efficiently mode, but to be efficiently enough and should work fine, right?
Anyway many congratulations to bullgore and those who participated in creating this mode
this new kroneEasyCollect1053 has on left and right when folded transport parts, how can i take them off in the scripts. opened the kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d but its not there. other then that this mod is perfect. 10/10 points.
Diese neue kroneEasyCollect1053 hat links und rechts, wenn gefalteten Transport Teile, wie kann ich sie ausziehen in den Skripten. öffnete die kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d aber es ist nicht da. andere dann, dass dieser Mod ist perfekt. 10/10 Punkte. (google translate)
13 Comments for Krone BigX 1100 Beastpack
when will this harvester be ready for 2015
Ach ja, kann ich den cargo-Anhänger auch direkt in der BGA entladen oder nuss ich erst auf einen Anhänger umladen? Gehen da alle Anhänger?
Wie bringe ich den Cargo-Anhänger wieder in die Ausgangsposition. Mir X kann ich ja nur die Seitenausrichtung verändern, aber ich finde keine Taste für die, quasi Nullstellung....
Question, the previous beast had ings and flew off sometimes. I deleted this mod because it was terrible in use.
How is it with this one? is the problem solved?
Thanks for this update Bullgore, you never let us down!
Very nice mod bullgore!
Will there come updates to this mod in the future?
Frage. Ist sonst noch jemand das Problem, dass die Räder sehr langsam drehen während das steuern? Nur beim big X, nicht beim mousecontrolled version.
what i think also is the front wheels little further to the rear, as there allmost touching the easyflow (specially when using tracs (yes i know. edit the wheels in XML)
Just one issue. I cannot fix myself!
When i have more then 1 Beasts on my map as Hired workers for example. and add another Beast and Press M to lift the Cargo. they all up or down depending on current state. (the ones on Hired workers go down,. the ones just bought in shop go up. All beasts Cargo react on pressing Key M from other BigX Vehicle.
Can you make the Press M (also other keys like B and X,O,Z) work only on current selected vehicle? (Thanks. Great Mods 10/10)
Dude!!! this release they going with bad is much worse compared to the first version.
Example: combine speed ESLimiter is a complete disaster, that (I change variable speed in milliseconds fast and slow) believe that the driver has been drinking some alcohol.
Another problem! in aihelper mode when making headland turns from 2.3 turns after that leave a large portion and re-enter the field, it happened to xdisc.
The first version released is much better compared to this version.
Anyway in the game is a efficiently mode, but to be efficiently enough and should work fine, right?
Anyway many congratulations to bullgore and those who participated in creating this mode
this new kroneEasyCollect1053 has on left and right when folded transport parts, how can i take them off in the scripts. opened the kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d but its not there. other then that this mod is perfect. 10/10 points.
Diese neue kroneEasyCollect1053 hat links und rechts, wenn gefalteten Transport Teile, wie kann ich sie ausziehen in den Skripten. öffnete die kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d aber es ist nicht da. andere dann, dass dieser Mod ist perfekt. 10/10 Punkte. (google translate)
wie funktoiniert das mit den Ketten ? bitte um antwort
wieso ist der auf dem bild mit ketten?! ich hab den runtergeladen und der hatte nur reifen! Bitte um hilfe
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