Download download Mod pack 'Goldcrest valley plus plus '

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54 Comments for Goldcrest valley plus plus

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  1. Joe019 22. 01 2017

    Wie kann ich die Scheinwerfer draußen bei den Schweinen anschalten?

    How can I turn on the headlights outside the pigs?

  2. Larsen 2131 18. 01 2017

    hi farmerads.
    thanks for a fantastic map,you have done a great job on this,and I enjoy every minute of playing it.
    but now a problem have arrived,and I can not set helper on for using none off the cultivators,but all other things are doing fine.
    very strange,can you please help me if you have the time
    once again thanks for sharing this map 5 stars job

    1 replies

  3. johreini 11. 01 2017

    I wanna just offer a point for discussion.
    If I sale Soya. I will get about 800-1000€ in Modus Hard. When I would transport this Soya, add Water and Diesel, which will cost a bit. I can sell Milk for €600. Hmm. Do anyone think that Milk should be more expensive?

  4. ironik26 10. 01 2017

    Hello, pity that since the versio 2.1 we are forced to resume zero the game in MP because the following versions do not allow us to open the doors of the hangar and we are well advanced on our part

    1 replies

  5. Boby26 09. 01 2017

    Translation English French by Google translation:

    Hello, it's a pity that you stop the development of the map, she was better and better in every version !
    Certainly, it was necessary to begin again the party every time, but it doesn't matter (at least for me)
    Idiots complain?
    It doesn't matter ! They have only in step to download and to use the map if it pleases them not !
    There were so many things as could be added there, modified as for example the last version of the refinery there, or the factories of manufacturing of seeds / fertilize...

    Hopefully you will return on your decision not to penalize those who your work admires.

    Do not loose your motive and continue !

    Very cordially.

  6. ralle1966 04. 01 2017

    sorry i find the error Class lexion 795 limited edition in mod folder thats it sorry

  7. ralle1966 04. 01 2017

    i have two screenshots uploadet look the area behind kotte i only moved the mouse a little bit

    1 replies

  8. ralle1966 04. 01 2017

    in this version are big graphik errors on street (by komposter ) in the stall from sheeps ang stones cows behind fahrsilos (drivesilos) and more . only this version and not in the 2.0 and the same mods in the modsordner . why

  9. ThoSiWo 04. 01 2017

    Hello farmerads,
    I have downloaded the map since Version 2.0 and I find it is a very good map. But can you tell me where I can find the greenhouses? It is not mentioned in your PDA.
    Thanks for answer.

    1 replies

  10. Borgcz 02. 01 2017

    Bitte helfen
    C:/Users/Borg/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/goldcrest_valley_plus_plus/scripts/FabrikScript.lua:1314: attempt to compare number with table
    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    C:/Users/Borg/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/goldcrest_valley_plus_plus/scripts/FabrikScript.lua:1314: attempt to compare number with table
    Application exit request forced.

    1 replies

  11. Boby26 31. 12 2016

    Hello, I am French and I do not know well written in English so I used Google Translate :

    Great map ! I have a problem however, is that I can not completely fill my seed drill with Seeds2 (while the mod provided with the card is installed and functional since it has successfully converted all the seeders ...) I currently use a loader with a bucket, the drill is the Horsch Pronto 9DC, and this one loads to 507 liters exactly but no way to fill it more ...

    Have you ever encountered this problem or it could come from my computer (mod conflict perhaps, no serious error in the log file ...) ?

    How do you load your Seeds2 seeders that I can try your method ?

    Thank you in advance to all those who will answer me !

    See you soon !

    2 replies

  12. Shareyo 29. 12 2016

    Hey Cant Upload to G Portal Server why

  13. kents 22. 12 2016


    It's a very good map, but i've a problem, it's impossible to add fuel in the differents sawmill of the map. I've try to use the universal fueltank and the universal mobile storage tank, and it's doesn't work.

    1 replies

  14. VarusXX 21. 12 2016

    Hi Farmerads!
    I love your Map. It's the best I have seen so far and I have used your map for my own small modifications with GE. Any hints why you removed the Locodrive? Some errors, which you may check for the next version: field 15 has a ring of soybeans around wheat and the gras around the slow_saw (field 28) coundn't mowed.
    If you interested in my changes, I'll tell you: First of all, I hate doors, where I have to go in/out of any vehicle, so I removed the doors of the 2 Biomasselager and vehicleShelterSmall_colli. But this is my problem. Think about only the Biomasselager near the cow area. It is so close to Grain silos, that noboby will use it..and it's the best place for the fermenter from Kastor. Next is the "cowSilo". We tried to make it full with chaff but it goes direct through the wall as gras into the "Mischfutterstation", so I killed the cowSilo and also that near the pigs. At the end I had 2 nice places for placeble objects (one for woodchips and the other for a storage where I can fill potatos in)....just think about these changes please. I know you will find better solutions instead of my placeable objects. :)

  15. MTV 20. 12 2016

    HELLO? I n arrive not provided with fuel oil the scirie holzpalleten

    1 replies

  16. bamsenus 20. 12 2016

    Hi there. I love the map, it is great. But i'm sad abaut, that i have to make a new save game, by update, have done ones and playd a lot since. if i put the map in the folder, there is gras in the fermeting silo at the farm. if i start a new there is not but all my work in fields and so are gone. Is there a solution????

    Christmas greatings bamsenus

    1 replies

  17. ArnieD 19. 12 2016

    Thanks for that nice map mate.
    One question are the gold nuggets still on the map?

    1 replies

  18. perilex 18. 12 2016

    probably one of the best Goldcest reworks atm, nothing more to say.

    1 replies

  19. R3pcom 18. 12 2016

    Gorgeous map! Running it on our dedicated server and everyone's loving it! 5*

    I did remove the standard (green) vehicle sheds for our server though because we really disliked the way the doors worked. Replaced those with a placebale one and now it's perfect :D

    1 replies
