Userprofile of Boby26
Member since 12 / 2016

Punkte: 19
Level 1
Rank: n/a
First name: Manu Age & Gender: 47 m City: Romans-sur-Isère - France Hobbies: Farming Simulator 2013/15/17 Homepage no entry

About Boby26

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  1. Boby26 09. 01 2017

    Mod: Goldcrest valley plus plus
    Translation English French by Google translation:

    Hello, it's a pity that you stop the development of the map, she was better and better in every version !
    Certainly, it was necessary to begin again the party every time, but it doesn't matter (at least for me)
    Idiots complain?
    It doesn't matter ! They have only in step to download and to use the map if it pleases them not !
    There were so many things as could be added there, modified as for example the last version of the refinery there, or the factories of manufacturing of seeds / fertilize...

    Hopefully you will return on your decision not to penalize those who your work admires.

    Do not loose your motive and continue !

    Very cordially.

  2. Boby26 31. 12 2016

    Mod: Goldcrest valley plus plus
    Hello, I am French and I do not know well written in English so I used Google Translate :

    Great map ! I have a problem however, is that I can not completely fill my seed drill with Seeds2 (while the mod provided with the card is installed and functional since it has successfully converted all the seeders ...) I currently use a loader with a bucket, the drill is the Horsch Pronto 9DC, and this one loads to 507 liters exactly but no way to fill it more ...

    Have you ever encountered this problem or it could come from my computer (mod conflict perhaps, no serious error in the log file ...) ?

    How do you load your Seeds2 seeders that I can try your method ?

    Thank you in advance to all those who will answer me !

    See you soon !

    2 replies

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