Download download Map 'Suedhemmern'

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18 Comments for Suedhemmern

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  1. faith-johnson 02. 12 2020

    this map sounds AWSOME but i was wondering can it be used for FS 19 and also I am dying to plant and harvest garlic is it included with this map?? Either i missed it in reading all of this map information or this map does not plant and harvest garlic.....But still and AWSOME map!!!

  2. Wacko71 18. 09 2016

    Hi, Love the map. So far all is working well except for straw sale for quick money. I have been to all 3 places and sell straw but get nothing in $$$'s for it. Only lose whats in my trailer. I can sell at powerstation but for very little money. Am I missing something for mods or has the quick money been removed?

    1 replies

  3. denke das Problem liegt eher hier:

    Südhemmern: Register Fill type: Schwein, Rind, Ferkel, Kalb, Masthuhn, Junghuhn, Mastgans, Junggans, Lehm, dumpling,
    Warning: Particle system emitter mesh is too large at 1596 triangles (max 256) - shape 'Schwein1'.
    C:/Users/Marcell/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Suedhemmern/map/map01.i3d (16622.79 ms)

  4. tafoun 03. 02 2016

    Ich habe einen neuen Problem mit Heu. Sind Heu ou Gras ungleich ? Jetzt kann ich Heu auf den Lager Gras (Futterlager) nicht leeren. Futterhalle akzeptiert Heu auch nicht für Mischung. Ich bin fast sicher, dass es vorher klappte.
    Sonst, was kann man mit Heu ?
    Danke für ihre Hilfe !

    1 replies

  5. venin 17. 11 2015

    hello, why I can no longer buy beef and fattened chicken in version 9 of the map you have them removed ?

    2 replies

  6. OORBAN 06. 11 2015

    I have a problem with opening the gates.

    When I want to unload the potatoes or beets in the warehouse, the green gate does not open.

    The second problem - Bakery, a distillery, PDA2.
    I have two gates at the entrance. First (retractable) opens automatically. The second does not open and I can not enter.

    What could be the problem?

    I play v 9.0 Final version (v 9.0 Final Special does not want to run on my PC)


    1 replies

  7. DomeXguard 24. 10 2015

    (engilsh) hi i have problems with some doors int the farm yard not opening. do you have any ideas why??
    (german google translate) hallo ich habe Probleme mit einigen Türen int den Hof öffnet nicht . Hast Du eine Idee haben , warum ??

  8. El Buho 12. 10 2015

    hi there!
    i'd like to thank for your magnificent work. it looks like kinda masterpiece to me. in my opinion this one is the best map around (along with two rivers, of course :). i know that is the final version but everybody knows about final fantasy :), right? so, i'd like to see more nature on the map by the chance. thank you again! 10 of 5 stars!

  9. patrol zx10 21. 09 2015

    Ich kann nicht die Tore der Fabriken.
    Jemand gibt eine Hilfe?

    1 replies

  10. Coro1 04. 09 2015

    Hallo Leute, erstmal großes Lob an die Mapbauer, 5/5 Sterne..

    Es funkt alles, hab nur folgende Frage:

    Wie bekommt ihr den Mist von der Hühnermast raus, wenn ich mit dem Frontlader reinfahre, bekomm ich alles bis 3586 (bleiben dort) Mist heraus, auf gut deutsch, kann den Mist nicht komplett wegräumen, irgendeine Idee ?

    Danke im voraus

    1 replies

  11. Vahanoy 12. 03 2015

    When play this map, the Liquid Manure Sell is not working.... anyone have this problem?

    Also can we add cotton?

  12. Chippies 09. 03 2015

    Hello all,

    I had a small problem with 2 mods conflicting together on the map. After speaking with GMCW the past hour about it we have finally resolved the issue. I have GMCW permission and he has asked me to post the finding just in case others may have the same problem. For some reason in my game the mod conflicts with When i load water into the trailer it disappears. This is NOT a map problem but 2 mods conflicting with each other. Thanks for your time and hope everyone is enjoying the map as much as me.


  13. Chippies 09. 03 2015

    Hello mate,

    Been playing map since V3 and such a great map, these new features are a welcome thankyou. Never had and problems or issues with the map up until now in V5. I use the mil/water trailer
    by marhu and for some reason in your map when i fill it with water, it disappears, goes invisible, vanish, poof gone cant been seen anymore lol. Has never happened on your previous maps or any other maps which is strange. So my question is, how to fix that? Is it the map, the mod or something else. Cant think it be marhu mod as never happened before but any help be greatly appreciated.

    Keep up the great work

    1 replies

  14. Brainstick 07. 02 2015

    Hi there! What a great map this is, love it! I have one question though. Every time I am near field 45 (close to the dealershop) the graphics get a bit laggy. My personal thoughts is it's from those trees next to field 45 with the shop in the background. Can't saw those trees done unfortunatly. Is this a known (small) problem?
    Thanks again for this beautiful map!

  15. ozgamer 02. 02 2015

    this map is coming along nicely, I see you have added more fruit types, this is pleasing, I still have one small request that I would ask you to consider, TREES, trees around fields are a hazard and should not be placed around fields as machines get stuck in them, so i'm giving you 4/5 for this map as it just seems to get better,
    fix the tree collisions around fields and you got 5 stars and my respect.

    2 replies

  16. mf7626 29. 01 2015

    Can anyone tell me where the well is to put my coins into? Really enjoying playing the map so far.

  17. hoosierfarmer 27. 01 2015

    Love lay out of your map, I am still getting a log error, in regards to the Schweinmast. Posting it below.

    C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/map01.i3d (30613.67 ms)
    Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(9) : printCallstack
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(58) : checkChildIndex
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(289) : indexToObject
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(39) : load
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1824) : func
    Index: 0|9
    Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(9) : printCallstack
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(58) : checkChildIndex
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(289) : indexToObject
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(39) : load
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1824) : func
    Index: 0|9
    Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d
    Error: index out of range
    LUA call stack:
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(9) : printCallstack
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/Utils.lua(58) : checkChildIndex
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(289) : indexToObject
    =C:/Users/Jon/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//maps_Suedhemmern/map/models/buildings/SchweineMast/SchweineZucht.lua(39) : load
    D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/main.lua(1824) : func
    Index: 0|9

  18. ozgamer 23. 01 2015

    thankyou for sharing your map, I love the fact you have made it so large I like maps like that,
    however I do have a few comments.
    first of all, I couldn't find the rail line for selling timber, maybe I need to search a bit more,
    secondly, trees around fields are a big no no, because machines getting stuck in them. I know the trees are aesthetic ie to add a little realism or beauty, but for me, its a nuisance.
    at this point I cant see anything else I am not keen with this map.
    i'm rating your map 4.5/5 stars because of the tree issue, (extra points because you didn't use lol)
    I will be watching this mod with great interest to see if you improve it,
    this map will be one for the ages,
    greetings from down under
