Download download Mod pack 'Pöttinger Alpha and X8'

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6 Comments for Pöttinger Alpha and X8

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  1. Cafe 27. 05 2014

    to turn it on it crashes the game.

  2. xiukaz 18. 04 2014

    Hey guys. I had fixed error with ...mods/mrPoettingerX8/PoettingerX8.lua(1112) : attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'lastMowerArea' (a nil value)
    Application exit request forced.

    Only add -- before line 1112 and 1113 in the PoettingerX8.lua.

    Tested and works perfect with MR v1.3.16

  3. jeffvde 28. 01 2014

    doens't work with my john deere 7r and 6r :s
    the front mower works, but the back mowers are lifted to high so they don't cut the gras

  4. hello, where can i find the standard version of this mod (not MR). thank you!

  5. quintto 28. 11 2013

    i really like the mowers because now i can make silage and bales faster but it is annoying to put the mower in the right position every time you connect them to a tractor, how to fix that?

    1 replies

  6. Cerb 27. 11 2013

    sorry if i asked or an non more realistic version of it. i asked the original moder for it of respect for fruktor and the Eifok Team. the internet is full of versions of it for FS2013 but i prefer the original moders work. if some one convert ther work from fs2011 and put it up on some dodgie site im not intrested in it. this is cose its alot of work doing some thing as this mod and stuff like it and i like all modders to get ther deserved credit for ther work
