Member since 5 / 2013
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Mod: ROLMASZ Pomorzanin S061
you can use courseplay...this don't crashes, this is how i use mine.
Mod: ROLMASZ Pomorzanin S061
hello, nice mod but when i hire helper, i get this message in log ".../Scripts/S061.lua:623: attempt to index field 'maxRpm' (a number value)" i think regards this part of the code "function S061:aiFreeze()
self.attacherVehicle.motor.maxRpm[1] = 0;
self.attacherVehicle.motor.maxRpm[2] = 0;
self.displayWorkerInfo = true;
end;" but i don t know how to fix it
Mod: Universal Manipulate
what is this mod doing and how to use it?
Mod: drive control
great work! thank you very much!!!
Mod: Load Claas Quadrant 1200 bales with UBT
some english instruction please!?
Mod: Oberammergau Alps
hello nubsi! why the train barriers don't work anymore? before, the cars stoped automatically when train approach, but now they just pass was a nice feature...
Mod: Oberammergau Alps
the train barriers don't work anymore :((( !!! why? that was such a cool function! you plan to implement it back?
Mod: Arcusin ForStack 8 12
thank you! you are the best trailler moding team!!!
Mod: Tenias Reduced Platform Truck
is the set complete now? will you release a single pack containing all of the marvelous trailers?
Mod: TiSuiss memorial
Rest in peace TiSuiss! Thank you for making our games better! Much respect! A nice initiative tackleberry! thank you!
Mod: Tenias Platform 2 Axis
hello, what compatible baler i have to use for the 16 big bales, because i have a fendt baler and the bales are not recognized. a link will be very helpfull... thank you
Mod: MTZ 892
from the log:
C:/Users/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/aaa_MTZ_892v2/MTZ1025.i3d (0.05mb in 494.95 ms)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/ARON Bogdan Sliviu/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/aaa_MTZ_892v2/textures/poineer2.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/ARON Bogdan Sliviu/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/aaa_MTZ_892v2/textures/poineer.png)
Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/ARON Bogdan Sliviu/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/aaa_MTZ_892v2/Textures/Priborka_Night.png)
data/vehicles/steerable/powerTakeoff.i3d (0.00mb in 49.27 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car1.i3d (0.43mb in 91.37 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car4.i3d (0.33mb in 64.82 ms)
data/vehicles/cars/car6.i3d (0.38mb in 91.74 ms)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(47) : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Mod: Modpack T174 2
hello, what is new in this version?
Mod: Pack Low Loader Aguas Tenias
This is the best transport trailer an FS game ever had!!! Complimenti!!!
Mod: Tenias Platform 2 Axis
this is another Pice of Art that deserves to be in the Featured list!!!
Mod: Tenias Galera 4 Axis 32T
marvellous!!!you are a mod factory my friend!!!
Mod: Tenias Galera 3 Axis 28T
Thank you again!!!Beautifull!!!
Mod: Aguas Tenias 30T
very nice, now the series is more complete! thank you!!!... you plan to release all the mods in the first photo? in case you do, do you plan to make a unique package with all of them?
Mod: Aguas Tenias 30T
Yes, it will release all the end I will make a package, here a month or so.
no washable!? :O ... it's the only thing it's missing to be complete!
Mod: Ford TW35
when i turn the view on this model, the screen is flicking. i don't know why. to bad cuz the model is very nice, but that issue is makeing it unplayable
Mod: Ford Transit
it's a very nice model, but too heavy to play with it and even the motors characteristics are not so goes maximum 25km/h, very low acceleration, and when i buy it, it creates an invisible wall in front of it...anybody has this issue?
Mod: Schuitemaker Robusta 260
hello, nice mod, but where can i find that tool that is attached behind?
Mod: HW80 manure
the final version is stil WIP?
Mod: Ford Force Conversions
this tractors are great!like the NI moding team! thank you!!!
Mod: Pöttinger Alpha and X8
hello, where can i find the standard version of this mod (not MR). thank you!
Mod: Deutz DX140
hello friends, i have a BIG question, why in my game i cannot use any MR mod? i see it in the shop, but when i try to buy it, it says that there is no more space in the shop area. and in the log i get the error regarding the vehicle type....please help me, i get this for every MR mod and i don't know how to solve it. thank you!
Mod: Jaguar 980 and 900 Orbis
hello, i got this problem: Error: LUA running function 'update'
D:/code/lsim2013_desktop/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/InputBinding.lua(47) : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Error: LUA running function 'update'
i deleted the inputbindings but nothing! there is no mod in the mods folder but this...
Mod: Service swap
when i buy this from the store, the game crashes!!!
Mod: Silent Valley
i need another information please. how do i charge the seeders and the fertilizers???
Mod: Silent Valley
hello, can anyone explain me in english please why do i need the kroeger trailer for?
Mod: small machine shop
fake! the i3d file is empty
Mod: Small tandem
nice little tipper! i would also like to have the tractor too...someone know where can i get it please? thanks
Mod: Dedicated server from gamed!de
english please!?!?!?
Mod: Case Maxxum 5150
scuse me guys, but why, when i enter this tractor, the game blocks... and it's not a mod conflict because i tested it alone in the mods folder... please, someone help me
Mod: Case Maxxum 5150
when i enter the mod, the game blocks and i have to force game exit... does anyone know why and/or how to adjust it?
Mod: Sueddeutschland
this is a great map...very beautifull!!! i suggest the implamantation of the pigs and it will be perfect!