Userprofile of Cerb
Member since 9 / 2013

Punkte: 83
Level 4
Rank: n/a
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About Cerb

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  1. Cerb 28. 09 2014

    Mod: Holzhausen Forestry Agriculture
    sorry if im using english but im from sweden som my german is realy bad. but i have this problem whit soil mod on this map my ph jumps in even if i spreed the lime even on the fields its still realy difrent on the fields. acording to what i can read on the suport part of soilmanegment mod it cold be difrent sizes on fruit_density.grle and fmcSoilManagement_density.grle but now that im a noob on xml and modding i cant even look what sizes they are in the map cose they need to be even in size dose any one have the skills to look in to this for me and if posibell an fix for it. other then that ty for an realy good map and realy nice feel to it Niggels

  2. Cerb 05. 05 2014

    Mod: Hesseling Bale Trailers
    sorry for english but you need the front loader for this one or telehandler they got exelent tools that they releesed as well =)

  3. Cerb 27. 11 2013

    Mod: Pöttinger Alpha and X8
    sorry if i asked or an non more realistic version of it. i asked the original moder for it of respect for fruktor and the Eifok Team. the internet is full of versions of it for FS2013 but i prefer the original moders work. if some one convert ther work from fs2011 and put it up on some dodgie site im not intrested in it. this is cose its alot of work doing some thing as this mod and stuff like it and i like all modders to get ther deserved credit for ther work

  4. Cerb 24. 11 2013

    Mod: John Deere 864 Premium
    top notch mod =) works like a charm
    my new favorit baler

  5. Cerb 05. 11 2013

    Mod: Claas Xerion 5000 VC
    as usual top notch mod. works like a charm and handels good. i wold like if you cold have less turning radius on it but i gess this is the real one. the suspesnion is realy good as well + on that havent seen any one geting that real feel in any xerion so far. and im so happy that it dosnet accelerat like a racecar. hope you got time to give us more of you top mods Timber131.

  6. Cerb 30. 10 2013

    Mod: Potato Sugarbeet Boxes
    been looking for some thing like this now for a while. wold like carrots to be added as well later on =)

    1 replies

  7. Cerb 15. 10 2013

    Mod: grazyland Multi Fruit
    to many scale stations on this map. my farmer feels obese and dont wont to work ther sorry im sticking to the old one

  8. Cerb 06. 10 2013

    Mod: 2450 Unimog 6x6 WB
    fix the motor sound its anoing as h*ll and the handling of the car is just not right i think torque is to high and it accelerat as a race car..

  9. Cerb 06. 10 2013

    Mod: John Deere 7R Series 6 and 8 L Set
    sorry if i dont type in german but googel translate is just wrong. i must say this is the best dan tractor out ther period. im looking for some front loader tools for the front loader any sugestions. and im swedish and i have dyslexia thats why my spelling is bad.

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