Download download Mod 'GPS Mod'

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12 Comments for GPS Mod

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  1. usfarm2000 01. 11 2014

    GPS Mod V 3.2.1 is the best mod ever produced for farming simulator. The creators of this mod are amazing. Great job! I am looking forward to it for LS-15.


  2. jfurness1010 17. 09 2014

    does anyone know why you can not run a tracked tractor mor that 10-11mph with auto steer? please help

    1 replies

  3. vali 21. 08 2014

    i like gps mod very much but i can't get it to work in the multiplayer.please help

  4. hephep 21. 08 2014

    im to good danm stupid to use this , you know when your drunk , your fingers dosnt what you brain want to do . lol

    Well i'll give it a go , Thanks for the mod my friend .

  5. JDisgod 13. 07 2014

    sorry to bother but i am having some problems, i have added the mod to my mod folder, but it dont seem to work cause nothing shows up ingame

  6. Ray000 18. 04 2014

    Will not allow a fertilize sprayer to run at a 100%, with the sprayer retracted, without so much wobble you have to reduce the speed to approximately 60%. You cannot activate this GPS and run full speed.

  7. Have tried this in MP, after 10 min with autoturn it crashes my game (tryed 3 times), and we have no log error. any ideas why?
    we have gone back too V2.
    Please help.
    Best regards Michaelbjerg21978

  8. Voidheartd 22. 12 2013

    The autoturn is nice, but it needs some way to go past the field edge before turning. Maybe I am missing something but it stops at 1. This is no good as tractor needs to go past field edge to finish that row.

    1 replies

  9. floben 18. 09 2013

    I have a problem with this mod especially with the active mode. When I use CTRL+W the steering mode doesn't change. Do you know the reason?

    1 replies

  10. TrueTao 26. 06 2013

    The mod is really good!

    It would be PERFECT if the gps to remain active while the worker works with us (button H)
    Once you got off the vehicle, after you press the H key, the GPS is no longer active.
    Too bad.

    I hope we can improve.

    Great idea though!


    Der Mod ist wirklich gut!

    Es wäre perfekt, wenn die GPS-aktiv zu bleiben, während der Arbeiter arbeitet mit uns (Taste H)
    Sobald Sie stieg aus dem Fahrzeug, nachdem Sie die H-Taste drücken, ist das GPS nicht mehr aktiv.

    Ich hoffe, dass wir uns verbessern können.

    Tolle Idee aber!


  11. FourBitty 07. 06 2013

    This is without a doubt one of the greatest mods for FS ever. Great job to everyone involved in creating and perfecting it. Thank you.

  12. Joe`s farm dk 04. 06 2013

    hello i have this version tested and i find it very good actually really great error free have nothing but a load line in my log after playing 3 hr, so i have 43 mods and script altogether in my game, it is like in every mod, test your own mod against the new one, i have a map which does not like 3 of my mods, so them i do not use on that map, and i had 5 other mods which does not work together deleted no matter what i think of it. this mod GPS is very awesome works perfect no lag or warnings premium star mod, that what i think and thx a lot for sharing it again br joe dk
