Userprofile of michaelbjerg21978
Member since 2 / 2011

Punkte: 585
Modder Level 8
Rank: #3683
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 46 m City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About michaelbjerg21978

no entry
  1. Mod: Krone Big M500
    I dont get people that upload mods with that error, fix it before release.
    My site only have mods/maps that works.

  2. Mod: Ursus T 127
    Thank you for your good comment.
    Took some time with the bale places.

  3. Mod: Ursus T 127
    If you can make lua, then it is not that hard, have made this as a experiment, sorry, BUT it was not my intent to show it on any pics.

  4. Mod: Ursus T 127
    Stumma: my pics is not modified in any prg. i use a high resulution ingame, and have the realdaylight, plus a privat light mod.

    2 replies

  5. Mod: Papenburg
    Have uploaded a pic with
    Works on server!

  6. Mod: VOLVO L120H
    I have rewritten all lua and now all ic buttons works on dedicated server
    Also manualignition works on ic now.

    Wiew pic!!

  7. Mod: VOLVO L120H
    I have rewritten all ic, now everything works on dedicated server, have added buyable twins to front tires, in 2 versions.
    Have added a pic where you can see it.

    1 replies

  8. Mod: VOLVO L120H
    If you delete the manualIgnition from IC buttons.lua and moddesc, it works on dedicated server.(after corrected 8 l10n) no errors or warnings in my log.

  9. Mod: Saksburg Agriculture
    The map can be opend in 2sec, have opend it, just for fun.

    2 replies

  10. Mod: Ford Tw 30
    WHY do we have to install all that
    link, or keep it for your self!

  11. Mod: manual Ignition
    This is a nice script, have tested it on dedicated server over 400 hours, with no problems.

  12. Mod: GPS Mod
    Have tried this in MP, after 10 min with autoturn it crashes my game (tryed 3 times), and we have no log error. any ideas why?
    we have gone back too V2.
    Please help.
    Best regards Michaelbjerg21978

  13. Mod: BigPack 12130
    I have this in my log:
    Warning: missing dailyUpkeep value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0)
    Warning: missing machineType value in store item modDesc.storeItems.storeItem(0).
    I have corrected thiese warnings in mine.

  14. Mod: New Holland Cr 9060 Premium
    It is full of UV errors and lots off textur warnings,
    dont no why people upload thinks like this.

  15. Mod: Grass Texture
    Great textur. thank you.

  16. Mod: Clockmod
    Great mod, but iam missing english days, but iam editing lua to both dutch and english.
    But great mod thanks.

  17. Mod: MB Hills
    Moderator, please delete this map, it is my map, and is uploaded without my permission.
    regards Michaelbjerg21978.

  18. Mod: MB Hills
    There are a V2 on the way later.

  19. Mod: MB Hills
    Sirgramkow: Try with a bigger trailer, the trigger is a bit high at the silos.

  20. Mod: MB Hills
    Multifruits are:
    rye oat triticale and greenwheat

  21. Mod: MB Hills
    Flemming83. Thanks for your test.

This user hasn't created any projects yet.