Download download Mod pack 'MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle'

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34 Comments for MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle

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  1. OEB_Modding 10. 01 2015

    Bullgore, excellent progress and again a must have map as you guys just keep pushing what we can do with these maps.
    Only problem that I have found so far other than what has been said here is that the extra windrows are floating to high and only a minor adjustment needed keep it up mate :)

  2. Vazsholik 08. 01 2015

    I love this map, i realy do.
    But I have a question again. Is the Growth cycle suposed to work like a "belt". devide the map in to 3 portions, and the middle 1/3 has grown one cycle, but not the top and botom. so some fields are ready for harvest, but not the entire field since they are not aligned east west. Kinda hard to explain, and could not get a screenshot for some reason.

    but is this behaviour normal?

    1 replies

    1. Beaker. 08. 01 2015

      No, it´s not. Don´t rush the game (strg+r) in the time from midnight to 4 a.m.. Just advance with a speed like 60x. During that growth time the computer has to calculate the plant growth for the complete (and huge) map. Things that aren´t calculated by 4 a.m. won´t be calculated (and therefore won´t grow).

      2 replies

  3. jankes535 06. 01 2015

    Die Karte ist groß
    wenn es erscheint v0.94?

  4. Vazsholik 02. 01 2015


    I dont speak german, so have to take it in english.
    I love the map, but i am having some problems with the silos. As a test i fermented 20% silo. but i am not getting the silage out of the silo. i have tried the standard sillage bucket for the wheel loader, tractor and a multifruit bucket. i have tried the mobile conveyor, it gets mass out of the silo, but the conveyor is buged, and it only gives hay/grass.

    Is this a known problem with the silos?

    Does anyone have a recomandation for a bucket i can use that does work for you.

    1 replies

    1. Beaker. 02. 01 2015
      this is a mod adding the filltypes you need to the standard trailers and tools.
      The silos are modded on the map. Take a look at the siloextension mod page to see the added features. You can make grass-silage (is "converted" to hay if your tool doesn´t take dryGrass_windrow). Normal silage is made out of chaff. Those changes are especially useful for the new features of the biogasplant. Another mod on the map that you might want to take a closer look at.

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  5. paultx 26. 12 2014

    after 20 days my crops are at the 1 stage what am i doing wrong ? (love the map)

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  6. DomeXguard 22. 12 2014

    how do i get rid of rhe white lines on he roads

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  7. Watky 21. 12 2014

    For some reason my plants don't seem to grow, any help?

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  8. most sinister 10. 12 2014

    Make it V.1.0 and be done with it.Was not that good in LS 13 is not much better now. I understand the concept, but there is always something wrong with the d*mn map

    1 replies

    1. FromBavaria 10. 12 2014

      Liebes Modhoster Team. Könntet ihr bitte den Kollegen hier,most sinister, sperren?
      Ich habe absolut noch nichts, aber auch gar nichts konstruktives von ihm gelesen! Das einzige was er kann ist Mods und Maps runtermachen! Siehe die neue Two Rivers!
      Und nicht einfach Kommentare löschen von Leuten die sich genau über solche wie den Kameraden hier aufregen. MfG

      1 replies

  9. german1955 08. 12 2014

    ich wohne inder nähe von celle(wathlingen) aber bramstedt liegt doch bei hamburg und nicht im landkreis cuxhaven.und heisst bad bramstedt.wo genau liegt denn jetzt deine karte?
    soll kein nörgeln sein. nur rein interessehalber

    2 replies

  10. jbUSA 07. 12 2014

    I have been playing your maps since ls13. Like everything about them and waiting on AI Traffic, and Buyable Objects. I do clean up some fields prior to playing so just thought I would let you know that they all are not ready mainly the ones next to the saw mill and RR tracks. I also think it would be cool to start the map with less fields owned and not planted. To answer some of you with questions The water can be found at The Getriedehandel Werner, feed storage is behind the potato and sugar beet storage, and to load the game just put the normal MIG_Map_MadeInGermany_Celle folder in mod folder and your ready don't make it a zip file. Again Bullgore thanks for the hard work!!

  11. sparangao 29. 11 2014

    when I enter the menu by pressing " I" , the game crashes

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  12. lAnimal 29. 11 2014

    Whenever I press "I" to go into the pda and then leave, the game becomes unplayable, like 1 fps

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  13. Druxus 29. 11 2014

    Awesome map, And I am starting to learn what all the words mean :)

  14. reinbier2000 29. 11 2014

    If i open my pdi and close it again, the game doesnt go back to the ''play screen'' and then my computer says: giants engine doesnt work anymore.

    please help me sorry for bad english

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