Download download Mod pack 'RealLifeNumbers'

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108 Comments for RealLifeNumbers

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  1. astro80 25. 12 2021

    one of the best mod in fs19! thank you very much!!!

    1 replies

  2. Gonimy_Vetrom 19. 12 2021

    Hello. Have you ever thought about a separate configuration file for basic parameters? Because now, after the update, we have to change your parameters every time.

    1 replies

  3. DynaGames 19. 12 2021

    What doas "lAlt-rf " mean ? I have no "rf" button on my keyboard.

    1 replies

  4. kahenneberg 18. 12 2021

    I'm sorry for the few errors in version 1.0.04. It is very hard and time consuming to test scripts that need to run for a full game year. I hope most bugs have been fixed now. Please let me know if you find others.

  5. kahenneberg 18. 12 2021

    A few errors have been found in version RealNumbersAnimalScaling.

    1. Will not detect grazing period when starting the game in side the grazing period.
    2. A few animal names have been types incorrectly in a few places.

    After a few tests a new version will be uploaded.

  6. kahenneberg 01. 12 2021

    Prices for multiple items is now fixed in the new version.

    Two things I would like to add next:

    helper cost
    rent of trains

  7. kahenneberg 29. 11 2021

    A user has pointed out that prices on bales are not correct if you buy more than one.
    It has been fixed and will appear in the next update.

  8. Gonimy_Vetrom 29. 11 2021

    How fast! The game acquires new paints.
